How Poverty Affect Low-Income Americans

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How Poverty Affect Low-Income Americans

How Poverty Affect Low-Income Americans

The international context of policies to combat poverty, and in the broadest sense of development policies, has dominated in recent years by the introduction of strategic plans reduction of poverty. Since 1999, the introduction of the these programs, were processed in more than fifty countries that have adopted the tool of strategic planning, which makes this tool a de facto standard, and an object of reflection both as regards the policies in each of the countries that take both for an examination of the overall trends in the relationship between poor countries, multilateral institutions and bilateral donors.

In extreme synthesis, there are documents of defining strategies for the reduction of poverty, which are adopted by the governments of poor countries after extensive consultation with all sectors of society. These documents are approved by the Boards of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and become a reference point for all those national institutions but also international donors, who wish to engage in the fight against poverty in that particular country.

On the other hand, the debate of corporate volunteering has gained more space in the country. This is due to a number of factors, which constitute a new reality with regard to social performance of corporations. You can see that this article goes beyond the concept of the existence of an organization in order to generate profits only and elicits citizen practices and dialogue with stakeholders.

The authors have studied in this work have structured sectors social responsibility, using volunteering as a business tool, which is essential in the quest for sustainability. Therefore, do not encourage this practice ceases to be a competitive advantage. By financially supporting volunteer projects, the company establishing a closer relationship of the people, besides interacting with the third sector ...
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