Journal Article Review

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Journal Article Review

Journal Article Review

“Xenon and the Pharmacology of Fear”

By Hemmings, Hugh C. Jr M.D., Mantz, Jean M.D.


Xenon possesses unique anesthetic pharmacology. The gas is becoming a focus of attention for the scientists who are eager to assess the usefulness of Xenon especially in the study about anesthesia and pharmacology. This article deals with examining the molecular mechanisms of Xenon especially in producing amnesic actions on the human body (Fanselow, Poulos, 2005). Xenon is an inert gas that was rarely studied in earlier times. It was only after the last decade that scientists devoted time to experiment with Xenon and study its pharmacological interactions.

Literature Review

This article suggests the way in which Xenon affects the brain and produces anesthetic feel through a range of molecular reactions with the cells. Until 1962, Xenon and other noble gases were considered chemically inert and incapable of forming any chemical compound (Dawson, Lygate, Zhang, Hulbert, Neubauer, Casadei, 2005). The article relates to the potency of Xenon using receptors and its effects on the brain as an anesthetic agent. While the scientists conduct worthwhile experiments to determine its usability, this article itself suggests that Xenon possess an appealing mechanism towards creating fear and other emotions in the physical system. (See Bibliography)

Purpose and Research Question

The purpose of the study is to discuss the anesthetic pharmacology of Xenon and establish an understanding about Xenon especially in amnesic reactions through molecular mechanisms. The research questions may include:

How does Xenon contribute towards anesthetic pharmacology?

What is the effect of Xenon on central nervous system and how does it enable the brain to receive anesthetic sense?

What is the Pharmacology profile of Xenon (pharmacokinetics and pharmacy dynamics)?

How does Xenon produce emotions as fear and what are the molecular interactions involved in producing this condition?

Type of Research

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