Adaptive Project Framework Recommendations

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Adaptive Project Framework Recommendations

Adaptive Project Framework Recommendations


With the passage of time and with an increase in the critical projects in organizations, appropriateness of traditional project management is becoming doubtful. In many cases, the projects fail to meet compete requirement and aims of the up front; on the other hand, important changes in the middle of the projects cannot be avoided (Nyberg, 2011, pp. 1-24). Same is the case with this organization where traditional project management approaches failed to meet the requirements of customer. Client asked for changes during the life of project and organization was not able to deliver in time. Owing to such situation, project manager has been given a task to analyze the traditional approach and come up with the recommendations to over come such set backs.


Adaptive Project Framework

When the types of business processes or the projects that are developed by the organization and supported by the traditional project management are no longer efficient, organization must look for approaches that help updating the project methods and can be applied to the running and future projects (Rico, n.d., pp. 5-12). The organization needs a complete new framework for project management that helps combing the agile methods with most enduring practices of the organization. In such situation, Adaptive Project Framework is the best option to be implemented.

Adaptive Project Framework (APF) is an agile approach which is applied to the complicated and unpredictable projects whose resolutions are not known at the start of the work but only be discovered with the progress of the project (Nyberg, 2011, pp. 1-24). The Adaptive Project Framework (APF) is an active management which determines the efficient and effective strategy through experimentation.

Implementing APF

In order to reconfigure the methodology of project management that is applied in the organization and for the successful implementation of the adaptive project framework, the organization will need to change the existing policies that rule their internal processes. In order to implement this approach, it is important to know the six core values on which APF is built (Wysocki, 2010, pp. 12-24). Adaptive project framework is:

Client-focused - in this approach, decisions are taken based upon the process that delivers maximum business value to the customer on the given time.

Client driven: alternatives are presented by the project managers on which client's decision to proceed the project is based.

Incremental results early and often - every completed iteration offers the best solution as compare to the previous iterations.

Continuous questioning and introspection - an honest and open teamwork also guarantees the success along with the vested ownership by the project team and the client.

Change is progress to a better solution - this approach assures that change is important in order to meet at the solution which help organization deliver the business values expected from it

Less speculation on the future - leave the alternative - when in doubt. It's important, if any, can be discovered at the time of other iteration.

The process in adaptive project framework starts with hypothesis ...
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