Module 2: Assignments

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Module 2: Assignments

Module 2: Assignments


The paper aims to explore the application of three levels of health promotion; primary, secondary and tertiary. The discussion is further followed by explaining the definition of health promotion, its purpose in the field of nursing practices, discussing the current roles and responsibilities in health care promotion and lastly comparison of the three levels of the health promotion will be presented with orientation to 3 medical journal articles.

Defining Health Promotion

There are various definitions given to the term Health Promotion. The general perception acquired by the community within the context of health promotion refers to a model that promotes healthy activities and positive outlooks for the well-being of the individuals, families and communities. The aim is to enable the people in living healthy lives and promoting a better lifestyle for everybody including, both, young and adults. Actions include education, prevention and health promotion, where people act in coordination in favor of policies, systems and lifestyles, through advocacy, empowerment and building a social support system that allows you to live longer healthily.

Purpose of Health Promotion

It is important to understand the true concept complete health paradigm from a bio-psycho-social-ecological perspective. There are two central themes; the role of Community Health and Health Promotion as multidimensional key to achieve real impact on the health status of the population. Multiple evidences conclude that it is crucial to include both axes in health interventions, in proper balance with the treatment and rehabilitation actions through innovative and comprehensive strategies.

The concept of health education, which now involves a notion expanded health promotion and a new interest in the prevention, is increasingly focused on the empowerment of individuals. New learning methods are more suitable for adults gained upon primary health education. Within the adult education, significant changes reflect the essential role that they recognize to solve the current problems of society.

Nursing Roles and Responsibilities

The role of nurses within the development of health promotion and prevention is evolving. Recent studies have shown that nurses have yet to fully implement the strategies of health restoration and prevention into their practices, instead continue to conduct behavioral, lifestyle, and risk-oriented health education (Whitehead, 2006).

Today, nurses must continue to find acceptable ways to invoke health promotion strategies and preventions into our practices, not only to provide themselves with the necessary tools and skills to engage with other agencies and disciplines, but to provide meaningful and measurable care, to the clients and communities.

Three Levels of Health Promotion Prevention

Three current journal articles relating to youth violence were chosen for examination of content and comparison regarding their methodology in their use of health promotion and prevention, at specified levels of care. These journals will assist in defining the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of health promotion. The journal articles chosen for comparison are based on health promotion strategies that include the use of screening and prevention, education, counseling, and the development of programs targeted specifically at youth who are at risk of becoming victims of violence, or who are active ...
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