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Research Papers on Anthropology

Anthropology is a study of human groups and cultures that draws its knowledge from a range of social, natural and biological science subjects. Anthropology is a writing-intensive course and almost all the students of this subject are required to write a research paper. Researchomatic provides Anthropology research paper written by professional writers, who have majored in this subject for students who feel they can’t do it all by themselves.

Focusing On The Current Maya Population
Focusing on the Current Maya Population Table of Contents Introduction2 Discussion3 Mayans in Guatemala:5 Mayans in Mexico:5 Political and Social organization of Maya:6 The Decline of Maya:8 War:8 Overexploitation:9 Drought:9 Mayans in Today's World:9 Conclusion12 End Notes14 Focusing on the Current Maya Population Introduction The Maya are an indigenous people or a group of indigenous peoples in Central America, in particular because of them in the ...
The Basseri Of Iran
The Basseri of Iran The Basseri of Iran Introduction Iranian Basseri are more known as a tent-dwelling people, nomads, descended from many middle east nations like Persian and Arabs. Amanolahi (2003) tells us that now Iranian Basseris have been made to lose their tribal memberships and customs and incorporated into the Iranian state. ...
The Amish Culture
The Amish culture [Name of course] [Name of instructor] Table of Contents Introduction1 Discussion1 History of the Amish culture1 Religious practices2 Dress and clothing of Amish community3 Language3 Horticulture as the primary mode of subsistence4 Impact of Horticulture5 Kinship5 Gender relations5 Sickness and healing6 Conclusion6 References7 The Amish culture Introduction The Amish people or population is referred to as the Amish Mennonites. They are considered as part of the ...
Christmas Day
Christmas Day Christmas Day Introduction The Christmas day is an annual celebration of the Christians which is celebrated on the birth of Jesus Christ, on the 25th of December. The Christmas day is a religious and also a cultural holiday for millions of people all around the world. It is a civil holiday ...
Cultural Diversity
CULTURAL DIVERSITY Cultural Diversity Cultural Diversity Introduction Difference in cultures is not something that is considered damaging, since it is these cultures and values that set apart nations. Some cultures around the world are built around religion, while some are more secular and aim to build the nation around man-made laws. I, being a ...
The Zulu
The Zulu Abstract One of the Bantu languages, Zulu is spoken by the largest language community of South Africa. There are also 200,000 speakers in Lesotho. Some linguists prefer the prefixed form isi-Zulu, literally 'Zulu in language or culture'. The language group that includes Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele and Swazi was once ...
The Amish Culture
The Amish Culture Table of Contents INTRODUCTION2 Thesis statement2 PRIMARY MODE SUBSISTENCE FOR THE AMISH CULTURE2 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY4 Social change4 Kinship5 Beliefs and values5 Gelassenheit6 Farming6 Discipline6 Ethics6 CONCLUSION7 REFERENCES8 The Amish Culture Introduction The Amish are the people who appeared in Pennsylvania in the late years of 1730's to flee from hounding and harrying in Europe. The Amish people subsist in a pastoral surrounding like adequate ...
LANGUAGE Learning of Language without Culture Table of Contents Learning of Language without Culture1 Literature Review1 Culture as a Part of Learning1 Inseparability of Language and Culture3 Metaphors of Language and Culture3 Contents of culture4 Unique Ability of Humans5 Language as a Course7 Role of Teachers8 Learning Theories9 Theory of Behaviorism9 Cognitive Theories10 Sociocultural Theories12 References14 Appendix16 Learning of Language without Culture Literature Review There are many books and articles ...
Semai Culture
Semai Culture Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of “Topic” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Semai Culture” and its relation with “people and primary source of subsistence”. The research also analyzes many aspects of culture of Semai people and tries ...
Matrifocality/Matricentricity:From Africa To Black Americans
Matrifocality/Matricentricity:From Africa to Black Americans Matrifocality/Matricentricity:From Africa to Black Americans Introduction This paper will explain the facts and issues related to Matrifocality. Matrifocality is a descriptor of an anthropological term matrifocal, and it literally means “mother focused.” The term most often describes a kinship system that is matriarchal or female-headed in ...
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