Nursing Management And Leadership In Iraq Health Care System

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Nursing Management and Leadership in Iraq Health Care System


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Interview Questions1

Question 1: Qualities of a good nursing leader2

Question 2: The best part about the job3

Question 3: Deterring aspects of the job5

Question 4: Influence of Nursing Shortage7

Question 5 & 6: Improving Leadership and Pre-requisites of being a Nurse8

Summary of Chapter 049


Leadership Qualities in Nursing10

Nursing Management in Iraq13

Leadership Issues in Nursing17


Personnel management18

Change Management18

Nursing leadership in Iraq health care system20

Issues of nursing in Iraq health care system24

Nursing Faculty Retention27





In the midst of creating and establishing a better understanding and comprehension, not only is it necessary for companies and organizations to make way for progress and development, but also to call for analyzing and comprehending the various changes and the challenges that rise in line with the healthcare system. Nursing healthcare system is of prime importance and consideration, particularly when it comes to management and leadership. With the highest frequency to be assessed and analyzed in the long-run, not only does it make way for the changes and the challenges to create and establish a better outcome, but also direct resonate upon nursing practices.

While both have conjoined roles and responsibilities, not only is the industry making way for the development and the establishment of a strong and effective outcome, but also that it calls for improving the contemporary nursing practices. In addition to this, it also establishes new rules, blueprints and framework, which not only give the platform for improving the current rules and responsibilities of nurses in this industry, but also make way for harnessing core competencies that would make way for the development and the establishment of a better outcome.

Interview Questions

Before addressing and analyzing the changes and the challenges that are associated with nursing in the healthcare system of Iraq, there are themes that would not only would make way for providing us a greater analysis of our study, but also the multiplying influence that come with these questions.

With a detailed analysis, not only would it make way for the development and the establishment of the study, but would also provide for identifying areas of further research and development.

Question 1: Qualities of a good nursing leader

Being a vague question that it may prove to be, there are ample questions and answers that are related and associated with becoming an effective nursing leader. In the midst of servicing clients and also managing the administration, there comes a certain benchmark and standard set of requirements, which comes forth as multiple areas and outcomes of research, but also calls for the changes and the challenges that come with it.

Through the analysis and the interpretation attempted through the interview questions, qualities have been demarcated into multiple tiers and categories, as per the responses that came across with the literature review and the survey that has been intended altogether in the long-run.

Personal qualities - particularly cooperation and active social relations - appear to be the prime trait ...
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