Organization Behavior

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Organization behavior

Organization behavior

Organization behavior


OB is the study of human behaviour in the workplace. Basically, an organization try's to find out its individual and organizational factors to accomplish the desired goal set by the organization by utilizing and extracting the maximum effectiveness of the employees. As employees are the greatest assets of an organization but also make up 75 percent of the operating costs. So, to make organization better by taking better decisions one has to study organizational behaviour which studies all the factors that have an impact on the individuals and groups acting in organizations.

The two aspects of police organization that can be concerned according to OB are “complexity” and “control.” Structural complexity is “the extent to which an organization is differentiated vertically, functionally, and spatially”. Structural complexity involves, for example, the number of levels of an organization, the division of labor within an organization, and the degree of specialization within it. Structural control includes administrative control structures, the degree to which rules and policies are formalized, and centralization—i.e., “the degree to which the decision-making capacity within an organization is concentrated in a single individual or small select group. The two major features of organizations can be clustered in a variety of ways in specific cases. For instance, organizations can have high levels of vertical differentiation and low levels of functional differentiation. They can be very centralized but have few formal rules.

There is, an extensive literature in the field of public administration that attempts to explain variations in the structure of organizations. Drawing upon this, three main factors will have some influence on police agency organizational structure. Size is a primary factor to be considered, since there is considerable evidence that size does influence organizational structure, and it makes sense intuitively that larger organizations will be more complex ...
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