Philosophy Of Education

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Philosophy of Education

Personal Philosophy of Education

Personal Philosophy of Education


The context of this research is one in which teachers are now expected to equip their pupils with the disposition and skills for life-long learning. It is vital, therefore, that teachers themselves are learners, not only in developing their practice but also in modeling for pupils the process of continual learning.

Philosophy of teaching

Meaning of teaching

Teaching means those actions which instruct, indoctrinate and train with rules and guidelines. This is the system and method which involves giving instruction, based on knowledge, principles and ideas that are taught to someone.

Teaching involves the interaction of three elements: the professor, teacher, or teacher, the pupil or student, and the object of knowledge. Furthermore, teacher is the source of knowledge and the student simply receives that knowledge. According to this theory, the process of teaching is the transmission of knowledge from teacher to student, through various media and techniques.

However, according to current trends of cognitive theory, teacher is a facilitator of knowledge, who acts as a link between information and student through a process of interaction. Therefore, the student agrees with his learning and takes the lead in pursuit of knowledge (Burn, 2003).

Teaching as transmission of knowledge is based on a perception, which mainly takes place through speaking and writing. The experience of the teacher, support material and techniques of promoting participation and debate among students are some of the ways in which teaching works.

With scientific advances, education has incorporated new technologies and uses other channels for transferring knowledge, such as video and Internet. Technology has also enhanced distance learning and interaction beyond sharing the same physical space (Britzman, 2000).

The age group that I have chosen is grade K-3 (ages 5-9). The reason behind the selected age group is that my education philosophy supports this age group and that this age group can be very interesting to teach.

Why do schools exist?

A School inculcates character building, and an attitude of research with utmost care and innovation in teaching.

A school makes sure that teaching techniques, research analysis, and regulatory processes are followed. Furthermore, it ensures that operating models of learning, perceptions, thought process, attention, motivation, and emotions relate to the task in hand. The objective of a school is to guide students from pre-adolescent to the acquisition of proper study methods. That is how, a student organizes his optimal paths. He develops the "how" to pursue his objectives. Furthermore, he bears in mind that each discipline and objectives require precise and different skills, and specific methodologies.

Through this perspective, a school aims to make students understand as a person, with its peculiarities, and full mastery of skills, while respecting the potential and the individual learning styles.

The purpose of a school also includes identifying the students' respective goals, providing opportunities to develop them over time, and self-development. Learning is instrumental to the process of maturing personal identity, citizenship, and orientation in various life contexts.

Purpose of Education

The purpose of education is not only to ...
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