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Research Paper

Guillain Barre Syndrome

Differential Diagnosis Table

Possible Diagnosis (listed in order of likelihood)

Signs and Symptoms seen in This patient that make you consider this as a diagnosis

1. Guillain Barre Syndrome

pain in lower back

2. Neuropathy

muscles weakness

3. Diabetes

thirst, body pain

4. Hansen Disease

skin lesions

Most Likely Diagnosis

Guillain Barre Syndrome

I personally believe that person is suffering with Guillain-Barre syndrome that has known for serious disorder and occurs when the body system attacks nervous system parts. This disease occurs after the inflammations which causes the muscles weakness and other related symptoms due to it.


Guillain Barre syndrome (GBS) has critically defines as the peripheral neuropathy that causes the weakness and progresses fro the progressing over the number period of days most up to 4 weeks. GBS has occurs now around all over the world with mediation and annually increase up to 103% and affected mostly on women (Yu, 2010). GBS has considered that autoimmune disease which preceding the infection or bacteria and other Epstein Barr virus which commonly identified pathogens. The GBS prognosis has generally favorable but the serious disease with the mortality and effect 10% to 20% patient affected left with severe disability.

Pathological condition

The patients who affect with Guillain-Bare syndrome have suffered with large post-voiding residuals and the urinary retention. The presence destructive hyperreflexia suggesting that there is the possibility of Guillain Barre pathological conditions which directly affecting the nervous system and the typically this disease syndrome peripheral nervous system (Grant, 2011).

Risk for developing pathological condition

Most of the people after developing the Guillain-Barre syndrome have suffered with another illness that occurs in the shape of common cold and influenza. This is not possible patient of Guillain-Barre syndrome that transmitting from one person to other and it was also not inherited.


When the person is at risk the person is nerves have attacked from the body and its own defense system immune. The result attacks the nerves system and most of the time attack inner covered part and the damage signals and causes other spreading paralysis.


Approximate one third patients who affect from this disease required the admission in the intensive care unit and primarily because of respiratory failure (Yagnik & Yagnik, 2010). After the proper stabilization and the patient that can treated as the general medical floor but continuing vigilance remain the important respiratory prevention. The cardiovascular plasma has exchanging determine the ultimate recovery.

Present Risk

This is the syndrome that has an acted illness which is attacking the nervous system and after the two weeks diseases like flu has emerged and this create other infections. This is the symptom that largely related to attacking motor nerves. the suggesting has suggested that the syndrome in the present condition of patient ascending and weakness with physical examination with just going through patient with motor neuropathy (Jyothi, 2012). When such syndrome has confirmed spinal tap shows the evaluation with lowering the protein level without increasing the cells by electromyogram.

Other information

Once such diagnosis has confirmed the treatment with intravenous plasma exchange or gamma globulin has ...
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