Role Of Developmental Studies Faculty In Curriculum Development Process

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Role of developmental studies faculty in curriculum development process

Role of developmental studies faculty in curriculum development process


Curricular approach to teaching makes a dual function. First is the permit adoption of guidance for teaching practice, and second is that it facilitates the reporting of educational intentions. Therefore, when the education system is configured , teachers are formally given ample room for decisions where occupation require tasks which are involved in inquiry, reflection and cultural selection, therefore it is necessary to adopt the curriculum approach. A formalization of holistic and integrative analysis of teaching, design proposals, implementation guidelines, evaluation and improvement educational practice, and their realization in training to complete the experience school students, is called curriculum (Auerbach, 2002).

The curriculum, which represents information about the course (discipline, optional) in a concentrated form, is a source of assessing the quality of specialist teaching activities in the field of education. Currently, educational institutions use a model curriculum on subjects which are approved by the Ministry of Education and are advisory in nature. They are the basis for the preparation of teachers of educational work programs that take into account regional and national-school component, methodologically potential teachers, the level of preparedness of students and the possibility of using new information technologies.

Role of Developmental studies faculty

In the level of professionalism, curriculum development requires contextualized redirection, flexibility, dynamic approach towards the assumptions that animate the curriculum-in educational, emotional, epistemological and social-educational practices. This can be consistent with the overall objectives pursued by the educational system and expressed in the legislative regulations. Curriculum helps to reflectively materialize the best proposals for possible action at all times and in each context.

Curriculum development is revealed as a real training stage of the teacher profession when conditions are necessary to ensure the teachers' participation in the design and, especially, when the participation extends the scope of decisions to improve teaching and school. Faculty can become active creators and curriculum performers, not mere implementers. The school community is involved in a continuous process of construction and use of theory. It reflects cooperatively its experience, and adapts, adjusts and decides the curriculum. Members of the team responsible for developing a curriculum are teachers who work in schools and are selected at the beginning of a new project to develop the curriculum. The team members have good knowledge of planning and design of curriculum, discipline, exemplary teaching methods in class, and the ability to work cooperatively with others (Jurmo, 2005).

A framework of learning outcomes is a document specific to a material that determines the learning outcomes that apply to what students are expected to know and be able to do in relation to knowledge and skills to be acquired in a particular subject. Teachers should use differentiated instructions to support learning for all students. The differentiated instruction is a means by which educators design an environment conducive to learning for all students. Through differentiated instruction means a wide range of strategies, techniques and methods that teachers use to support learning and to help every student, ...
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