Social Psychology

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Social Psychology


Two of the most important works of Mean are the pragmatism philosophy as well as the social behaviorism. Mead was much related to the gesture stimuli and the social objects with authentic meanings. Pragmatism is considered as a broad range of position of philosophy from which a great number of influences of Mead can be observed. One of the influential works of Mead was the materialization of the self as well as the mind from process of communication in between organisms that are being discussed in the Society, Self and Mind. This is also known as social behaviorism. Furthermore, the social theory of Mead is shown in which the mind is considered as an individual introduction of societal processes. Mead showed self and mind on the basis of social processes. Any time a gesture is being taken on the individual basis, the individual organism over the collective aspects. The most prominent work of Mean is the Society, Self and Mind. Among these the society is given a priority over the mind and enlightens that social aspects would further lead for the enhancement of mental states. According to mead, mind is considered as a process not an object. Mind according to mead is a social aspect rather than a part of individuals. This in the theory of Mead is showed over four stages that are impulse, perception manipulation and lastly consummation respectively. The most initial working of the societal act according to the theories of Mead is a gesture. A great attention is also given to certain symbols and language through which the humans are able to think, communicators and are also stimulators for the actions that they perform (Mead, 2013).


According to many philosophers and theorists language is considered as a gift that has been given to mankind by God. Language is a way to transfer thoughts, ideas, relations, communications, meditations and prayers to one another. Apart from language being considered as an aspect of communication, language is also considered as a way to thinking and expressing. As human beings interact in societies, language plays a very important role in the overall transformation of societies.

Language is able to serve in various aspects. It is a way of communicating and a social tool that is utilized to interact with one another in human societies that differ them from various societies throughout the world. Through language we are ...
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