Stem Cell

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Stem Cell


Stem cells are highly valued for their capacity to aid in the functional recovery of damaged or diseased tissue (Evelyn, 2007). They are defined by their remarkable ability to maintain their undifferentiated state through countless cycles of cell division and to differentiate into variable types of specialized cells. Birth is a time when stem cell collection is an option through umbilical cord blood collection. Despite over 74 million births per year in the world and of those four million of which occur in the United Stated, many people remain unaware of human umbilical cord blood collection (Anna, 2008). In comparison, human embryonic stem cells (ESC) were not identified for the first time until 1998. Over the past decade, research in this area has been the subject of considerable political controversy in the United States. The controversy has often drawn public attention through media coverage, generally reflecting communication efforts by stakeholders on all sides of this issue. In this paper, we try to focus on the Stem Cell research. The paper discussed stem cell potential. The paper highlights the stem cell possible application. The paper explains future research potential of the stem cell and scientifically proven results. The paper also, discussed the ethics issues in stem cell process.

Table of Contents



Research Methodology1


Stem Cell Potential2

Possible Application3

Scientifically Proven Results6

Ethical Concerns11



Stem Cell


Stem cell research started in 1925 and has been a very controversial subject when connected to embryonic stem cell research. However, umbilical cord blood and placental stem cells are not considered embryonic but are embryonic like and are now classified currently under new born stem cell research. Because of the need for quick access when patients were seeking a match for transplantation with their blood an organized blood banking system soon seemed to be the answer (Ariff, 2010). The stem cell is the origin of individual organism. Stem cells possess the capability to self renew, and the potential to develop into different cell types throughout an organism's lifetime, which is term as potency (Anna, 2008). Stem cells are a class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types. Commonly, stem cells come from two main sources:

Embryos formed during the blastocyst phase of embryological development (embryonic stem cells) and

Adult tissue (adult stem cells).

In addition, they serve as an internal repair system in many tissues, dividing without limit to replenish lost cells due to intrinsic and environmental events, and to maintain the normal turnover of regenerative organs, such as blood, skin, and intestinal tissues (Michael, 2006). Potency specifies the differentiation potential of the stem cell. The fertilized eggs are considered as the ultimate stem cells, which are formed from fusion of the haploid gametes. These stem cells are totipotent; from them form all the tissues of the developing embryo. In other words, they are able to construct a complete, viable, organism. This difference accounts for the phenomenon that cell numbers increase exponentially during early embryogenesis, while the adult tissues usually maintain a relatively constant cell population (Anna, ...
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