Stem Cells Research

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Stem Cells Research

Stem Cells Research


Stem cells are the cells which are unique in their characteristics and they have the capability of creating differentiation between the specialized cell types in times of need. Stem cells are useful in the process of healing the injuries by the regeneration of the lost area of the body. The other damages which are being covered by the stem cells of the body are the broken bones, scratched skin and ripped muscles. The stem cells have further categorization based on their sources i.e. adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. The embryonic stem cells get originated from the human embryo which is four to five days old, which further divide and gets specialized for the purpose of forming different parts of the organs and other structures of body (Annas, 2009). On the other hand, the adult stem cells are present in different types of tissues. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the medical ethics of stem cells and how does it applies to health care.


Many people consider the research of stem cells specially the embryonic stem cells research as an unethical act. For many people, ethics of stem cells research are considered to be associated with the ethics of destroying the embryos. The best way of identifying stem cells is still to be discovered, however, tests are mostly based on determining the self-renewal capabilities of stem cells. All tests are conducted in laboratories under controlled environment. One way of identifying stem cells in a laboratory is by transplanting a single cell to see whether the cell specializes as per the body requirements or not. However, researchers may also use a microscope to see if the stem cells are undifferentiated and healthy (Thomson, 2008). Moreover, examining the chromosomes also yields the same results. Hypertension that occurs in preeclampsia is caused by increased peripheral vascular resistance. Cardiac output is usually lower than in normotensive pregnancy. A reduction in GFR of 50% serum creatinine doubled. The increased vascular permeability to proteins may be secondary to injury of endothelial cells of undetermined cause.

Overproduction of endothelia (vasoconstrictor and platelet aggregator) has been considered a possible factor in preeclampsia. The lipid per oxidation which is circulating selectively inhibits the enzyme prostaglandin synthase, diverting the cyclooxygenase pathway toward synthesis of thromboxane A, a vasoconstrictor. Regarding blood glucose, hyperglycemia reduces the synthesis of PGI2 by endothelial cells, the preeclampsia increases the antagonism to insulin observed in normal pregnancy (Shamblott, 1998). The reduction of plasma volume in preeclampsia should not be treated with volume expansion may be caused because of acute pulmonary edema. When women with preeclampsia have pulmonary edema, it is usually caused by administration of large volumes of fluid before and during the delivery.

Stem cells can be extracted from a dividing zygote or from an adult tissue. These cells are then placed in a controlled culture, which though allows them to divide and replicate, but prevents them from specializing or ...
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