The Benefit Of Radio Reaction In Our Daily Life

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The Benefit of Radio Reaction in Our Daily Life

The Benefit of Radio Reaction in Our Daily Life


Electromagnetic energy is a major power source for humans. It is a radio reaction that has implications not only for the human body, but human brain. The effects of electromagnetism on the human brain are both positive and negative and are nothing short of a cosmic intervention. The affect that electromagnetism has on the human body in turn effects our daily life in that our decisions, behavior as well as abilities are directly affected by it (Blazer, 2002). The paper discusses the electromagnetic effects on human daily life.


The neural network and the speed with which the human kind is changing are magnificent. It is very intriguing. It is part of the global transformation of the human consciousness. Electromagnetic energy and waves must be understood as something magical. They are capable of a lot of things in the most unexpected of human ways. The inexplicable things that people do at times are possible only because of the affect of electromagnetic and radio reactions around us (Daily 10, 2011).

To begin with, it must be understood that heavy exposure to electromagnetic rays for a considerably long amount of time is damaging for brain. This is so because the strands of DNA that run in the brain can get damaged because of it. Sometimes this can become very serious and even cause brain tumor (Miller, 2012). Though, this relationship between electromagnetic rays and brain tumor has not been confirmed by research yet. This is one of the only side effects of electromagnetic rays on human life.

In addition to this, there are other benefits as well. The electromagnetic rays are good facilitators of growth of the neurons. This growth is healthy in that it stimulates the functioning ...
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