Validity/Reliability Of Assessment

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Validity/Reliability of Assessment

Validity/ Reliability of Assessment


Research Methods and Question of Validity and Reliability

Vago & Nelson (2009) identify, define and discuss various methods of researching social sciences, economics and many other disciplines. Some of the most acknowledged methods of researching the aforementioned disciples include historical analysis, experiment designs, survey methodology and observation studies.

Vago & Nelson (2009) assesses historical methods of research in chapter nine of their book. The authors define the methodology as a rigorous process of statistical analysis. This analysis observes patterns in past data to forecast future expectations/events. The methodology is widely used by social scientists to analyze social problems and phenomenon. The method is particular with regards to validity of data sources and has a refined process for interpreting data. Similarly, an experiment design is a widely used method for understanding causality between variables. Social scientists use the method by using two data samples. These samples are classified as experimental group and the control group. By keeping the other variables constant, the method is used the measure the causality of independent variables on dependent variables.

Vago & Nelson (2009) identify another method of research, namely survey methodology. Social scientists use this method to evaluate a large cross section of the population as sample size. Thus, this is one of the most widely used methodologies when larger sample size needs to be assessed to maintain validity and reliability of results.

Finally, Vago & Nelson (2009) identify the last method of research that is widely used by sociologists, this is the observational method. The methodology is expensive as it utilizes mechanical devices or enough human resource to monitor direct responses from subjects, determined as the sample size for the study. The methodology is used in field settings as well as laboratories. However, there are certain measures and protocols that need to be established to maintain reliability and validity from the research design. Thus maintaining the essence of the study is difficult; however results are solid; since they integrate knowledge with action. Moreover, it involves participation from a larger sample that helps in identifying all possible concerns of the problem statement. The methodology is designed to maintain natural social situations and thus is one of the most preferred methods of research for legal professionals, among other social scientists.


Evaluation/ Assessment Planning

The effectiveness of the assessment depends largely on how the process is scheduled and adequately prepared. Furthermore, these tasks are to be completed with a degree of simplicity or complexity that is asked of the situation. It is also most important to decide how the information for the process is to be collected and what kind of instrument is used for analysis. The selection of the process should essentially guarantee two basic characteristics of all measurements, i.e. the validity and reliability of the assessment. Secondly, it needs to establish the assessment criteria and run levels.

Concept of Validity

The validity of an assessment indicates the degree to which an instrument measures what it purports to measure. Further the assessment should provide appropriate information regarding its ...
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