Women And Leisure

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Women and Leisure


The assignment is about Women and Leisure, which focus on studying leisure in the progressive era of New York. As this assignment is about Leisure activities, so let's define what we mean by leisure and why it is important part of our lives. It is defined as the time before or after the necessary activities or it may also be defined as the time spent away from business, work, and domestic chores. It is also the periods of time before or after necessary activities such as eating, sleeping and, where it is compulsory. Leisure time is also known as free-time (History, 1987).


Leisure has immense amount of importance to its name because human being needs this if they want to carry on with their life in an efficient way. However, if we don't have leiser time in our lives than the daily hectic work will take our productivity down the drain. Moreover, the study of leisure is important for a number of reasons. The distinction between leisure and necessary activities is loosely applied, i.e. people sometimes do work-oriented tasks for pleasure as well as for long-term utility. A distinction may also be drawn between free time and leisure. .First of all studying leisure will allow us to explore the personal and social values, which will gives us good ideas about things like what is important and what is not important to them and how they interact with their overall environment. Secondly leisure activities also help us to understand about the culture of any person/community. According to a research culture has the biggest influence on leisure activities. Finally, studying leisure would also help us understanding leisure is also helpful in making us understand about the nature of their relationship with their environment.

Many women are involved in these for a direct link between gender role and content of the activity, including enrolling in a more practical motivation (learning to upholster, cooking, etc.) That personal motivation unrelated to their gender role (sports, movies, etc.). These activities must be understood as an instrument for social change, communication and promotion of the democratization of culture, promoting social and ethical values that contribute to improving the quality of life of the population, giving equal opportunities as well as quality criteria and cross.



The book “Cheap Amusements: Working Women and leisure in the turn of the century” written by Kathy Peiss focuses on the leisure ...
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