Computer Assisted Language

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Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching

Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching


Recently, computers have become fully effective means in various aspects of language teaching. Computer-assisted learning of language (called) is a form of teaching and learning using information technology as an aid to store, display and evaluation of materials that can be drawn. Programs of computer-assisted learning are characterized by a combination of languages, text, images, audio or video (Ryan, 2007, 215). User learns the language of the article by typing on the keyboard, point and click with your mouse, or speaking through a loudspeaker. Modern language of computer-assisted learning software adopted the CD and DVD and a wide range of other new technologies, and assist in the teaching of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and other aspects of language.

One of the many trends in computer assisted learning software language is a demanding program that deals with speech. There are two main groups of these programs: those related to speech recognition, and this are the process of converting a word to the words, and those related to speech synthesis, i.e. commercial production in human language. These programs are called text to speech software with text to speech technology to convert text to speech (Meskill, 2009, 7).

Call Theory and Website Creation

The design of CALL materials takes into consideration principles of language pedagogy and methodology, which may be derived from different learning theories (behaviourist, cognitive, constructivist) and second language learning theories such as Stephen Krashen's monitor hypothesis. According to constructivist theory, students actively involved in "building" new knowledge from their previous experience. Students also have the responsibility for their learning, and teacher is a facilitator rather than provider of knowledge. The theory that all-encompassing language and constructivism posits that learning the tongue moves from the general to the piece, instead of building sub-skills lead to greater capacity for understanding, speaking and writing. It also emphasizes the skills of comprehension; speaking, reading and writing are interrelated, reinforcing each other in complex ways (Bush, 2007, 85). The acquisition of language is thus, an active process in which the student focuses on signs and meanings, and makes intelligent guesses. Additional demands placed on teachers working in a technological environment that incorporates constructivist theories of language as a whole.

A theory of learning is to explain the phenomenon of acquiring knowledge it is the theory followed by UEFAP because its objective is to use and learn English language for educational purposes. In the seventies of the century itself, has changed the theory of language acquisition and transformation from the control of behavioural science to look beyond that of the mental processes governing the mode of acquisition of human language and other linguistic theories such as those formulated by the American thinker Noam Chomsky led to the transformation in the education of English language help of a computer (Davies, 2002, 103).

The first language with cad theories of psychology and of the theory of behaviour which controlled the teaching and acquisition, a theory which views language acquisition as a ...
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