Decriminalization And Legalization Of Drugs

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Decriminalization and Legalization of Drugs


The term gang, drugs has its origin in the United States in the early twentieth century, starting from 1910 onwards. The issue of growing drug consumption and trade in the national security of the Central American countries is a problem of longstanding and growing concern, because they have been emerging new generation throughout the country. Their source of drugs that America receives is from Mexico, From Europe as well as from Asian counties such as Afghanistan.

First drug history of America can be tacked to the 1850s when the Chinese, brought in opium as they began settling to the United States for work purposes which basically include the mines where they were gold. It is from here that Opium began to spread gradually. Very soon

Americans of every age group started using opium, as they were getting the crave for it.

The main problem that American is facing currently is the high incidence of drugs followed by drug trafficking, and this is further giving rise to other crimes which includes the proliferation of violent youth gangs, legitimating capital and domestic violence. Within United States these gangs vary from all age groups. Hence in order to combat drug use and trade America has been conducting wars on drugs since the early twentieth century.


There are numerous ways America conducts war against drugs such as US drone attacks that they are actively participating in and towards Mexico has it brings about majority of drugs such as marijuana, Methamphetamine, and to some degree heroin and cocaine. According to me, decriminalization / legalization on all drugs to a certain or defined limit is an approach most favored for the war on drugs in America. (Knight, 1974, page: 6-7)

This is because the governments would no longer waste billions of dollars in fighting drugs; resources would be allocated to fight the real criminals: those who violate the rights of others (murderers, swindlers, rapists, thieves, terrorists) if they adopt legalization approach towards controlling drug use, its trade rather US drone attacks.

The war on drugs (US Drone attacks) according to me is one of the most nasty and vindictive of policies ever imposed further waste of resources money etc. This is because government uses billion of the American citizen's dollars that they pay in the form of taxes in order to develop a well equipped, skilled and big army.

Further the fact that American government is encountering huge fiscal deficit as they are spending massively other means to control the drug of war that are expensive and are costing them huge amount of misallocation of their current resources. This can be stated as people are being killed through the drone attacks, or the law and policy of having huge penalties such as placing drug users in Prison is costing them loss of some valuable labor as well as the cost of maintaining prisoners in prisons. Through legalization of certain drugs such as marijuana will help them control their deficit, some additional costs that ...
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