Green Logistics

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Green Logistics



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Green logistics are the supply chain management strategies and practices that reduce the environmental foot prints of freight distribution Green Logistics optimization requires a comprehensive perspective of partner interactions. The research published to date has examined motives of firms' Green Logistics practices adoption, measured critical success factors of Green Logistics implementation. One of the main reasons that large buying firms should support their suppliers in compliance with environmental regulations is that most of the suppliers are Company's.






Background of the Study1

Research Questions1

Significance of the study2

Aims and objectives of the study2


Green Logistics3

Green manufacturing and environmental issues3

Green Logistics Management Solutions5

Future Recommendation6



Background of the Study

Green logistics are the supply chain management strategies and practices that reduce the environmental foot prints of freight distribution. Similarly, logistics is the management practice which is required to move products through the supply chain. Green Logistics optimization requires a comprehensive perspective of partner interactions. This comprehensive optimization perspective is even more critical when viewed in the context of environmental issues. The environmental or “green” context in which many of today's manufacturing firms operate is dynamic, influential and developing into a critical issue for firm stakeholders, especially for internationally connected firms. In a green-focused operating arena, firms require a binary focus where they must concentrate on doing well operationally and environmentally. To maintain this dual edge, firms must take a much broader perspective of their operations, partner relations and manufacturing impacts. These differing perspectives necessitate unique organizational and partner management strategies to develop and sustain both a traditional competitive advantage as well as sustainable business practices.

Research Questions

This research will be based on the following questions:

What is the feasibility of Green Logistics?

What possible solutions to the problems faced in the implementation of Green logistics in business environment?

Significance of the study

The research published to date has examined motives of firms' Green Logistics practices adoption, measured critical success factors of Green Logistics implementation, tested the relationship between green logistics implementation and business performance, and also discovered moderating effects, such as external stakeholders (e.g., government or customer) and firm size (Zhu and Sarkis, 2007; Lee, 2008; Zhu et al., 2008b; Lee, 2009; Molina-Azorin et al., 2009; Testa and Iraldo, 2010).

Aims and objectives of the study

This study aims to explore the feasibility and need of Green Logistics and difficulties faced in implementing Green Logistics. The study also aims to provide solutions to the problems faced in implementation of green logistics.


Green Logistics

One of the main reasons that large buying firms should support their suppliers in compliance ...
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