Leadership Philosophy

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Leadership Philosophy

Table of Contents


Leadership theories2

Contemporary Leadership Theory2

Trait Theory3

Characteristics of a leader3

Characteristics of a good leader3

Characteristics of a bad leader4

Leadership and clinical setting5

Leadership style in the Clinical Setting6

My leadership Style7

Leadership Philosophy


There are people who are distinguished from all others, not by natural talent or knowledge but for his ability to inspire others to dream and make your dreams come true, to generate passion and energy into everything they do and transmit it to the people around them The leader is someone respected, admired, and followed by his team. He builds the best conditions for your organisation forward, always giving the example, and implementing projects from start to finish. He knows how to interpret what happens inside and outside the company, and manages, through his entrepreneurial vision and management skills, become him and his company more competitive in the market.

Leadership has generated a sizeable amount of research and theory and the theories are often described using different classifications. Spector (2006) for example, classifies the theories in the following manner:

The trait approach, which is concerned with personal traits that contribute to effective leadership

The behavior approach, which, like trait theory, explores leadership from the perspective of the leader and focuses on leader behaviors

The contingency approach (Fielder's contingency theory and path-goal theory) suggests that leadership is about the interaction between a person (leader), his/her behavior and the situation

The leader-member exchange approach (charismatic or transformational leadership) is concerned with the relationships between subordinate and supervisor.

While any of these leadership theories can be used to help nurses lead, some writers have supported the use of transformational leadership as a suitable choice for advancing nursing leadership. Transformational leadership is about vision, ability to inspire followers, trust, sharing a bond with followers, and being able to empower others. Different authors have proposed that transformational leadership is a suitable model for directing and guiding nursing leadership (Cummings, 2007).

Leadership theories

Contemporary Leadership Theory

Contemporary leadership theory is typically associated with the body of work emerging as part of what Rost called the postindustrial paradigm. Broadly, these theories reframed leadership as a dynamic and reciprocal process between people pursuing a common goal. Much of this literature also situates leadership as inherently directed at improving the common good and grounded in social responsibility. This section will highlight the emergence of contemporary theory.

Pulitzer Prize-winning political scientist Burns is widely credited as the catalyst for contemporary leadership theory. Burns's perspectives on transforming leadership presented in his 1978 book, Leadership, challenged conventional views by situating leadership as an ethical process that demanded a commitment to both modal and end values. Burns advocated that a key responsibility for any positional leader was to develop followers into leaders themselves, making it clear that organizations needed to be leader full, not just leader led. He advocated that each person, regardless of role, should be engaged in what was characterized as an inherently relational and collaborative process. Thanks in large part to this work, the conventional role of followers began to be reconstructed as that of ...
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