The Effect Of Storytelling Strategy On Developing Story Writing Skills Among Grade Seven Pupils In Oman


The effect of storytelling strategy on developing story writing skills among grade seven pupils in Oman



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This study investigates the impact of storytelling strategy in the BE schools (grade seven at the age of twelve), and how this influences pupils' story writing in Arabic. The overall purpose of this study was to grasp grade seven students' perception of storytelling strategy about the story writing. The design of this study was developed directly from the problem statement. The problem, specifically, is that while most students demonstrate adequate writing skills at the elementary school level. This problem affects Grade 7 students because they need to acquire the necessary writing skills during their elementary school experience to not only pass state assessments in writing that will help prepare them for school but also to become more proficient writers in their careers. To determine possible factors contributing to this problem, a mix method research design was selected as the most effective method of research. The findings of this research study indicate that the storytelling strategy was useful and effective to the grade seven pupils who were involved in this particular research study. The students who are involved in storytelling can effectively improve the skills of their Arabic story writing. This particular research finding specifies that storytelling is considered an effective for developing some skills and keeping students engaged in the classroom. The storytelling strategy contributes to pupils' increased interest in the classroom.







Systematic Review of Storytelling3


Specialist libraries and existing websites3



Importance of Writing5

Writing is a Learning Mode5

Writing is an Access to Society6

Definition of Writing7

Writing Process8

Knowledge for Writing14

Transcriptional and Compositional Knowledge14

Knowledge about Writing Forms (Genres)17

Arabic Language Curriculum and Teaching Writing19


Content of Arabic Language in Grade Seven21

Teacher's Role in the Writing Classroom21

Cooperative Learning24

The Written Composition Performance of Grade Seven Pupils in Oman25

Lacking fluency25

Lacking variety in vocabulary use26

Poor writing mechanics (e.g. spelling, punctuation and handwriting)26

Problematic syntactic structures27

Story Grammar and Schema28


History of Storytelling35

Definition of Storytelling38

Why Storytelling for Young Children?40

Storytelling Strategy in Teaching43

How Does the Storyteller Prepare before Telling the Story?45

1. Communication Skills47

2. Imagination and inventive thinking48

3. Acting, drawing and writing activities50

4. Language skills50

Storytelling in the Classroom51

Theoretical Basis of Storytelling54

Communicative Approach54

Focus on message rather than medium55

The information gap55

Focus on process rather than product55

Emphasis on negotiation rather than pre-determination55

Use of the learners own resources56

Krashen's Input Hypothesis56

Vygotsky's Theory57

Gardner's Theory58

Linguistic intelligence58

Logical-mathematical intelligence59

Visual-spatial intelligence59

Musical intelligence59

Bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence60

Interpersonal intelligence60

Intrapersonal intelligence60

Research in Storytelling64




The chapter one of this research study's indicate that this research study is conducted to examine the impact of storytelling strategy in the BF schools of grade seven students having twelve years of age. Chapter one also highlights the significance of examining the existing literature in the area of storytelling and its impact on enhancing the student's story writing skills...
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