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Advertisement Analysis

Advertisement Analysis


The content analysis of advertising is a hybrid of quantitative and qualitative approaches. In general, it is quite common method of research, but popular, as we know, always leads to vulgarization. Very often you can hear in different situations (when presenting a media plan or during the review of advertising activity of competitors), that such and such conclusions are made on the basis of content analysis. The main objective of content analysis applied to communications is to identify the most common trends for targeting customers, as it were, the specifics of a particular market or product category (Berger, 2005). This paper aims to analyze the content analysis of attitudes and persuasion of five different advertisements.


Advertisement 1

The particular Ad of Coca Cola shown in an image describe the logo of the ad, which is “a classic never goes out of style.” Also, in this image, it can be seen that the artist combined small pictures to create this image of the coke bottle. The artist used Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Beatles, The American Flag, The Rolling Stones, Marilyn Monroe, Baseball, Apple Pie, a Cadillac, and a lover coming back from the war. These pictures could all be characterized as “American classics.” The artist is trying to bring up the assumption that Coca-Cola is an American Classic.


In this picture, there is a very good use of contrast. The artist of the ad used different brightness of each of the small pictures so not only could it make the picture look like a coke bottle, but that you can see all the pictures within the “coke bottle” picture. The color is involved in this contrast (Tellis, 2004). The pictures in the ad we're red in order to show the features of an actual coke bottle. Proximity is used in this advertisement as the small pictures symbolizing classic were all close proximity to each other to create the one image of the coke bottle (Berger, 2005). The pictures symbolized everything that is considered as “classic.” And since the ad is saying that Coca-cola is classic, the artist combined all the pictures representing “classic America” into one “classic coke bottle.”

Advertisement 2

The second Ad is from Intel “It's time to multiply” and it is an A/V advertisement. The advertisement is used to show the multiplicative effect of dual processing. It tries to personify the processing method of the core 2 processor into dancers being cloned while they dance. The following is a frame-by-frame analysis of the advertisement. Source:

The first few seconds of the ad brings in a black male dancer with the tag “it's time to multiply”. This sets of an initiation point to which the rest of the ad follows through. The next few frames of the ad shows the dancer split into 4 and with a caption “Multiply your intensity”. This gives the viewer the indication that the performance of the core 2 duo processor multiplies to handle the increasing demands from various programs (Berger, ...
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