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Research Papers on Chemistry

Chemistry is the science of structure, properties, composition and reaction of matter. Students and professionals are often asked to submit research papers on chemistry. They find it a bit difficult task. In order to help people, Researchomatic is providing a variety of chemistry research papers. The chemistry paper available in this section will help students and professionals in writing their own research papers.

Article Review
ARTICLE REVIEW ARTICLE REVIEW Article Review: Elements in Nature Review of the Occurrence and Cycling of the Elements in Nature Most of the elements that are known today are naturally occurring elements. When we talk about elements and their presence on earth the first question that arises in mind is regarding the distribution ...
Metal Forging
Metal Forging History Metal Forging is one of the oldest metal forming methods of human society, and powered forging dates back to the 12th century. Metal is formed (or shaped) by large, localized compressive forces, i.e., in the olden days metal was hit by a hammer by a blacksmith. Typical products ...
George A. Olah
GEORGE A. OLAH George A. Olah Table of Contents CHAPTER NO 1: INTRODUCTION3 Statement of the Problem3 Significance of the Study4 Research Questions4 CHAPTER NO 2: LITERATURE REVIEW5 Reason for Noble Prize5 Methanol and its properties6 Bio-methanol6 Ecology7 CHAPTER NO 3: RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY8 Secondary Research8 Resources9 Nature of Data9 CHAPTER NO 1: INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem George Olah was born in Budapest on May ...
Review Paper
REVIEW PAPER Tea Flavonoids & Cardiovascular Disease Table of Contents Abstract3 Review Paper4 Introduction4 Discussion6 Benefits of Tea for Cardiovascular Disease9 Arteriosclerosis. Studies in humans and participants.11 Effects On Blood Pressure11 Oxidative Stress12 Cholesterol Reduction12 Inflammation13 Platelet function13 Homocysteine13 Weight, Body Composition And Visceral Fat14 Type 2 Diabetes15 Role Of Tea Flavonoids In Cardiovascular Protection15 Mechanisms of Action In Cardiovascular Protection17 Epidemiological studies21 Green Tea: What Does It Contain?22 Study: Longer ...
ORGANOSILANES Organosilanes Organosilanes Abstract The paper discusses that organosilanes are widely used in organic chemistry, particularly as protecting groups' derivatisation reagents, reducing agents 4 and synthetic intermediates. The Acros Organics portfolio of organosilanes is continuously expanding to meet your chemistry needs. On the reverse side you will find information on some of the ...
Table Of Contents
Table of Contents Thesis Statement2 I.Effects of Acid Rain to Air2 A.Component of the Earth's Atmosphere.3 B.Ozone Pollution3 C.Gases Reaction with Rain4 D.PH Scale of Gases4 II.Effects of Acid Rain to soil5 A.Increased the Acidity in the Soil (Ph =3.0)5 B.Harmful to Vegetation5 III.Acid Rain effects to water6 A.Increased Acidity in the Water6 B.Damage the Aquatic Life6 C.Change in Fish Population7 IV.Reducing the Acid ...
COCAINE Cocaine Abstract In this study we try to explore the chemical aspects in the whole concept of cocaine in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on chemical compounds through which cocaine is composed of and its relation with on the chemical reactions that are caused in the ...
Epa And Carbon Control
EPA and carbon control EPA and carbon control Fossil fuels such as methane, gasoline and propane contain mostly carbon. Carbon dioxide is produced when these fuels are burnt as in this process carbon from these fuels reacts with the oxygen. So the link proposed by the Vice President Gore that carbon ...
Nobel Prize
NOBEL PRIZE Noble Price for Chemistry Noble Price for Chemistry The three scientists were able to jump in the investigation of how cells make proteins to discover, at the beginning of the 80's, major cyclical processes of cells, proteins. Aron Ciechanor was born in Haifa in 1947, lost his parents at a ...
Calcium And Nutrition
Calcium and Nutrition Calcium and Nutrition Calcium and Nutrition Calcium is one of the most plentiful minerals in the body. Almost the entire mineral (98%) is found in bone. About 1 percent is in teeth. The rest of the mineral is in blood and tissues. This almost negligible amount is also ...
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