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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Ethical Decision Making
Ethical Decision Making Abstract In this research paper I have identified the ethical dilemma of Confidentiality in professional psychology. Although there are comprehensive codes and guidelines to overcoming such dilemma but sometimes the issues are unique and not covered in any guidelines. For that purpose I have applied the fourteen points ...
Person Centered Planning
PERSON CENTERED PLANNING Person Centered Planning Person Centered Planning Person Centered Planning (PCP) to traditional approaches to planning for people with disabilities in the past Person-Centered Approach Institute (IACP) was founded by Carl Rogers and named after him. The system created by Rogers is not just a theory but is also a vision of ...
Biopsychosocial Model For The Mind
Biopsychosocial Model for the Mind Biopsychosocial Model for the Mind Literature Abstract Introduction There was an event in the past which changed the dimension of research of psychology. In the history of neurology, no other character deserves so many studies and citations as laborer Phineas Gage. In 1848, Gage served as foreman ...
Comparison Of Genealogy And Life Course Theory
Comparison of Genealogy and Life Course Theory Comparison of Genealogy and Life Course Theory Genealogy Introduction Genealogy, also known as genealogy, family multiply, ancestral spectrum. In the form of a table spectrum, recorded a blood relationship as the main family lineage deeds of the breed, and an important figure in a special book ...
Piaget's Theory And Chaos Theory
Piaget's Theory and Chaos Theory Piaget's Theory Jean Piaget developed the theory of “genetic learning” (also called “structural-genetic” theory), which deals with the explanation of the cognitive development of children. The focus is on the interaction of a child with his environment. Piaget is known as “the godfather of developmental psychology.” ...
Difference/Similarities In Domestic Violence Within Military Personal And Civilian’s Families
Difference/similarities in domestic violence within Military personal and civilian's families Difference/similarities in domestic violence within Military personal and civilians families Introduction The domestic violence inclusive of spouse and child abuse is considered as a public health issue and exists from a longer time period in every society in both f the civilians ...
Nature Versus Nurture
Nature versus Nurture Why Nurture Wins the Battle against Nature Introduction Nature comprises of the hereditary factors such as genetic materials inherited from the family, parents. The nurture comprises of environmental factors such as emotional, physical and social surroundings within the environment. The debate of nature versus nurture is very old. This all ...
Young-Helmholtz: Trichromatic Theory
Young-Helmholtz: Trichromatic Theory Young-Helmholtz: Trichromatic Theory Introduction Helmholtz was born on Aug. 31, 1821, in Potsdam, where his father, a teacher at the gymnasium, taught him languages and the scientific thinking of the time. In 1838 he entered the Friedrich Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin. There the renowned physiologist Johannes Muller ...
Gender Math Gap
Gender Math Gap Are Boys or Girls better at Math? Many explanations for the gender gap in math skills don't hold up, suggests new research on math skills and gender in 86 countries. Math has traditionally been seen as a man's game, and the statistics often indicate that there are differences ...
Ethnographic Comparison
Ethnographic Comparison Ethnographic Comparison Introduction The culture that have been compared in this research are Native Americans (Indians) and Chinese. The genetic history of the American Indians is based in various fields, such as genetics of Y chromosome, the genetic mitochondrial, genetics autosomal and protein, which are converging at approximately the same story. The genetic patterns indicate that American Indians experienced several ...
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