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Research Papers on Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine is more of a Chinese invented technique to provide treatment to patients through a variety of practices and therapies. It involves particular products and procedures to ensure soothing and efficient results. Creating a research paper on Alternative Medicine is quite of a challenging task. The subjects involves such massage therapies which go totally in the opposite direction with the law of science. Hence, students need to delve deeper into researching its materials. To ease down the struggle, Researchomatic provides a section full of thousands of alternative medicine research topics over the site. The topics range from much different variety. Each alternative medicine research paper is unique and rich with valuable information.

Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer's disease [Name of the institute]How the Mutations in Presenilin 2 Lead to Alzheimer's disease Introduction Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects approximately 15 million people worldwide. It was first described in 1906 by Dr. Alois Alzheimer who identified two brain lesions characteristic of the disease in specific brain regions, the ...
Total Knee Replacement
TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT Total Knee Replacement [Writer's institute] Total Knee Replacement Differences in gait in pre & post TKR patients versus healthy It is important to note that the patients with Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) face may problem in maintaining their body balance. It has been noted that the bodies of these patients have the tendency ...
Nursing Model
Nursing model Nursing Model Introduction The purpose of this study was to determine how nurses working in different professional capacities viewed themselves as role models. The data gathered was through focus groups and interviews. Data analysis was done based on certain motives. Nurses described themselves as role models of health by given ...
Electronic Clinical Documentation With Clinical Decision Support
Electronic Clinical Documentation with Clinical Decision Support Electronic Clinical Documentation with Clinical Decision Support Introduction The U.S. health care industry is being pushed by the National initiatives to embrace electronic health records (EHRs) and make them available for all Americans by the year 2014 (Collins, 2005). The term electronic health record is an ...
Nursing As A Profession
NURSING AS A PROFESSION Nursing as a Profession Nursing as a Profession Introduction A good collaboration between physicians and nurses and other health professionals is an important determinant of quality of care, data from the literature that support this thesis are very poor. Yet in this era of major constraints on the costs ...
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus What is The Problem That Requires a Solution or Answer? The major problem that requires a solution in this case is of Diabetes Mellitus, which indeed is a disease in which a person has high blood sugar level due to low production of insulin in the body. This is ...
Universal Health Care
Universal Health Care Why Universal Health Care is wrong for Nurses in the United States Introduction Universal health care is a health care system employed by several countries around the world such as Canada that aims to cover basic health care of every citizen in a country. United States do not employ universal ...
Role Of Nurse
ROLE OF NURSE Role of a Nurse in Caring Pin Site after External Applicator Role of a Nurse in Caring Pin Site after External Applicator Introduction Role of nurse is defined as care that has an independent technical basis, the objectives, contents, tasks and duties. Nurses are defined as a person who has approved ...
Teenage Pregnancy
Teenage Pregnancy Abstract The issue of pregnancy in teenage females or early teenage pregnancy has become a serious concern as pregnancy at early age involves various risks to the health of teenage mother and upcoming child and therefore it requires more education and support for teenage mothers. This paper discusses the issue ...
Nursing Research Clinical Trial
Nursing Research Clinical Trial Nursing Research Clinical Trial Improving Asthma Communication in Minority Families For this paper, our focus would upon the article investigating the effects of teaching persistent asthmatic minority children, who not only make way for challenging and creating a better outcome through effective communication patterns with their families, ...
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