A Call To Action For Hr: Building Your Workforce Of One Capability

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A Call to Action for HR: Building your Workforce of One Capability

A Call to Action for HR: Building your Workforce of One Capability


Today the role of human resource management tends to be reduced primarily to administrative affairs, however, its true potential is yet to explore. Although many researches, and studies tend to support the argument that Human Resource Management should be dealt as a strategic Partner so that it can craft workforce able to deliver under any circumstances. An effective Human Resource can contribute in constituting a work force which is equally competitive and none of the members tends to log behind. Since HR, can craft such a workforce; therefore, it should be looked upon as a strategic partner. An Effective Human Resource Management can change the entire look of the organization by allowing it to work much smoothly.

If the Human Resource Management tends to be treated as a strategic partner than it will not only chalk out the roles in the organization more clearly, but it will also allow the relationship between the employees. Many experts tend to agree on the fact that Human Resource Management should only be handled by the skilled managers. As they tend, to believe that the time is not far where Human Resource Department is going to diminish considering that the concept of hiring and recruiting tends to be taken by unskilled manager (Dooley & Alagaraja 2002).The importance of quality human resource has diminished because the HR skills tend to be underestimated. Hence in order to save the future of Human Resource Management considering their importance in the survival of the organization. They must be taken in folds as strategic Partners, so that it can build a Workforce of One Capability thus serving the organization in a much better way. Therefore, this paper intends to discuss the fact that why there is a need of transformation in the Human Resource Management.


The Contribution of Human Resource Management in the growth of the organization cannot be denied and due to this reason, today many organizations are taking steps in order to transform the role of Human Resource Management. Today the role of Human Resource Management stands to be altered with experts believing that it is about a time when HRM should be seen as the Strategic Partner. Not as another wing of the organization which tends to indulge in the routine administrative and operational tasks of the company (Appelbaum, & Fewster, 2002).

One of the core reasons as, why should HRM should be seen as the strategic partner is to increase the overall output of the employees thus resulting in greater profitability of the organization. With this approach, the competition tends to increase in the organization allowing better results to be achieved by the organization along with the better management of the employees. So that, the productive employees be circled along with those who are less productive and are acting as the burden on the organization. As the business landscape is changing continuously, therefore, the Human ...
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