A Comparison Of Two Sociological Theories

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A Comparison of Two Sociological Theories

A Comparison of Two Sociological Theories


Marx and Weber, the two major works of classical sociologists proceed on their methodology by comparison, both on the emergence and development of capitalism, the dynamic mechanism of the paper, the reality of capitalism and operation of critical Prospects for the fate of capitalism to summarize some of the points, and try to make a brief comparison. Marx and Weber are concerned about the emergence of capitalism, based on the methodology in their attempt to explain the Western logic of social development and change, and the fate of capitalism are explored, showing the development of human civilization in generalizing the process of deep concern. Both had the profound impact on the literature.

Marx and Weber both contribute in the formation of capitalism in Europe and the development period from the perspective of their theoretical nature of capitalism. (Rubin, 1972. 11)

Methodology and the difference in interest

Capital is the methodology of historical materialism of Marx's empirical studies of representative work. Marx has repeatedly pointed out that "historical materialism" is not a theoretical dogma, but a specific historical research to guide the way. He founded Historical Materialism. The ultimate goal is to be used to analyze the historical movement of human society, in particular to the development of capitalist society. The formation of the theoretical perspectives of sociology, Marxist analysis of capitalism is the emergence and development of a methodological premise. (Engels, 1843. 50)

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism are the impact of Weber's writings. The most widely used concept and the book discusses two aspects of Weber's major problems: the origin and nature of capitalism; religious ethics and economic behavior. Weber explained Calvinist Protestants in the degree of rationality and rational process. He answered why the Calvinist religious ethic and the spirit of capitalism there is a strong affinity for the content of that doctrine of Calvinism. In addition, religious practice contains the spirit of promoting the development of capitalist elements, the objective to promote the capitalist development of Western civilization and the entire process, and initially set up certain religious ideas and economic ethics, the correlation between social structures. Marx stressed the group, class, and Weber stressed individuals. (Engels, 1892. 49)

Marx and Weber are most prominent in the methodological differences. Weber's methodology and a key highlight of the proposed conceptual tools the ideal type to; The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism in the capital Spirit are an ideal class of thought. The purpose is to facilitate the essence of capitalism, the relationship between ethics and religion. Weber also used similar to the type of comparative law approach examines the economic ethics of the world's major religions and between correlations.

The difference is that Marx's research interests concern the reality in a way that the operation of capitalism and its development trend and Weber seemed more concerned about the formation process of capitalism and the promotion of capitalist development ...
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