A Formal Comparison Of Ibsen's A Doll House And Austen's Pride & Prejudice

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A Formal Comparison of Ibsen's A Doll House and Austen's Pride & Prejudice


Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Ibsen's A Doll's House are written during the similar times and presents protagonists who go through diverse life hardships, but whose motifs are similar to some extent. It was the time when women were being given basic rights for the first time in the right direction. Both novels also revolved around the women who played the central characters of the plot, which was not very common during the same era. Both novels present perceptive of the common man and society on the marriage. Rather than considering marriage a blessed relation, the primary objective of the marriage was money. Honesty is another motif which prevails in both novels. It is one of the main themes of both novels which culminated in differing outcomes for the central characters.


Role of Women and the Society

The novel 'A Doll's House' and 'Pride & Prejudice' were penned in the early 19th century. It was the time when women were being given basic rights for the first time in the right direction. Both novels also revolved around the women who played the central characters of the plot, which was not very common during the same era. In Pride and Prejudice, there was a woman whose parent's primary concern was that she agreed to marry the man they choose for her. They believed that it was in the best interest of her daughter to marry the rich person because it was quite a usual practice in the English society. These were common, prevailing ideas of Austen's period. It allows us to understand what is the primary role of women were in the society. In contrast to Pride and Prejudice, the women are being asked to be supportive of their husbands in the novel the Doll's house. Their primary concern was to take care of her husband and her children. There is a clear shift in the role played by women from 19th century to contemporary times. In modern times, they are motivated to become independent and self sufficient and live their life as it suits them. On the contrary, the same society used to consider it rather rude of women if they wished to go out and live according to their own wishes.

Marriage and the Society

In literary works of Ibsen's A Doll's House and Austen's Pride and Prejudice, marriage remains the predominant motif of the plot. Both novels present perceptive of the common man and society on the marriage. Rather than considering marriage a blessed relation, the primary objective of the marriage was money. Before two persons get min relation with each other, money was the predominant factor to determine their relation, which should have been, loving. The motif of theme brings the two novels together on similar grounds and establishes a parallelism between them. In both novels, initially marriage was based on social status and wealth but later events develop the character's perception and bring ...
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