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From 1973 to 1987, over 22 million abortions have been performed. Pro-lifers would call that a terrible waste of human life. True, 22 million inhabits were taken, but I accept as true that we are better off without those. Please let me explain in the following report.

What is abortion?

Webster's lexicon defines abortion as "the expulsion of a nonviable fetus." Abortion might probably be the most contentious topic right now.

I'm sure by now that you've perceived of all the distinct kinds of abortion. Almost all abortions presented in the US are surgical abortions, where the fetus is taken by suction or other means. (Medication offers another choice, to be considered subsequent in this report.) throughout a suction abortion, the fetus is dismembered and disposed of by a little tube. This method takes but about 10 minutes, and the mother knowledge very little or no personal discomfort. Pro-lifers immediately say that emotional trauma and guilt haunts every woman after she has an abortion. However, throughout my research, I found numerous women who led (and extend to lead) famous and scot-free inhabits after their abortions. Ithink that the mental state of the mother counts very much on her individual feelings in the direction of abortion, and the actual know-how the had before and throughout the abortion.

Pro-life propaganda

In my study of pro-lifers, I have discovered that most of the time, they employ the use of a few schemes for making their outlooks known. One method pro-lifers use to assure people of their views is to play on fear and emotions. Their graphic descriptions and gruesome images are a crude attempt to shock" people out of abortion, while their pious talk and sobbing try to make us feel sorry for them and the unborn.

Another popular strategy of pro-lifers is to protest things like "Life begins at beginning! The fetus is human!" Science has verified these facts, and pro-choicers are by no means trying to deny them. However, pro-choicers feel that the privileges of the parents (namely the mother) override the rights of the unborn child.

Neither of these methods work on pro-choicers like myself. True, pro-lifers are deserving to speaking their opinion (just as I am), but I seem that some of their methods (as showed in the next part) are very unorthodox.


Some pro-lifers don't appear to be for "the preservation of human life." The tables on sheet 7 clearly show how often pro-lifers contradict their "pro-life" ideals by resorting to violent and disruptive acts to try to force their outlooks on persons.

New legislature controls irate pro-lifers

Anew account was presented in April 1994. The Freedom of get access to to Clinic entries Act (aka FACE or FACEA) protects women seeking abortion, and the amenities performing them. Specifically, FACE protects reproductive wellbeing service staff and patients from violent threats, assault, vandalism, and blockades. FACE was marked by leader Clinton on May 26, 1994, but furious pro-lifers still violate this law. The consequences for a first-time lawbreaker cannot exceed one year in prison and/or a $100,000 ...
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