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The smoking has been turning into a much debated issue since the many years. There are numerous psychological and physical side effects of excessive smoking. This paper focuses on the three common problems namely lung cancer, tumors and heart attack. The paper focuses on the researches to analyze these issues and their prevalence.

Affect of Smoking on Health


The adverse health effects of smoking are numerous. Inhaling the smoke gets to the saturation of the organism they contain active substances by means of their sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and airways. As a rule, applied to the use of smoking mixtures possessing narcotic properties (tobacco, cannabis, marijuana, opium, crack, etc.) due to the rapid flow of saturated substance of blood to the head brain.It is clearly shown that the major toxic effects exerted by smoking constituents on health occur in the respiratory tract (bronchitis chronic emphysema and lung cancer, bronchial) and the cardiovascular system atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure) (Shaper,78).

These conditions are largely prevalent among people who smoke more than a pack of cigarettes a day have three times more sick leave and spend up to 15% more bed days per year than non-disease smokers. However, respiratory and cardiovascular systems are not the only ones affected and should be considered that the effects of smoking on the body are largely widespread and also frequently found alterations in the same patient in different body parts.

Medical Problems related to Smoking

Lung Cancer

According to a researches, 90% of cases of lung cancer associated with smoking (Kenneth, 36). From the decade, of the 20 suspected that the snuff was a factor causal in lung cancer. It was noted that the increased use of snuff is accompanied, years later, an increased incidence of lung cancer. Three classic studies led to the conviction of the existence of a causal link between smoking and lung cancer (Shaper,78). The follow-up study of eight and a half years veterans conducted by Kahn in 1966, the study sponsored by the ACS and published by Hammond in 1972 that allowed to follow a million people and, above all, the work of Doll and Peto, published in 1976, which showed mortality rates of 34,000 British doctors followed for 20 years and separated in smokers and non smokers, were unambiguous. The age of onset of smoking Tabacal daily amount smoked, the depth of the inhalation, type of cigarette use were factors subject to study and obtained figures categorical dose-response (Kenneth, 36).

The risk of lung cancer increases with the duration of smoking Tabacal with the precocity of its inception, with the number of cigarettes smoked per day, with the depth of smoke inhalation, with the use of snuff cigarettes or high in tar and nicotine. At the same time achieving a decreased risk with smoking cessation, former slowly smoker gets to have the risk of non-smoking population. It is estimated to require ten to fifteen years for former smokers have come to the same risk as the person does not smoker. The use ...
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