Adolescent Sexual Abuse

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Adolescent Sexual Abuse


The paper discusses the global issue of sexual abuse and its impacts on the lives of adolescents and children. Child sexual violence is a sexual action with a child adopted by an adult. Children do not often have no idea how adults can receive their behavior. The aim is to satisfy the sexual needs of adult sexual. It can be uncle, grandfather, stepfather, but also the older brother or friend.

Sexual violence is therefore for many boys and girls, a common problem that cuts only in exceptional cases to the public. The suspected by experts enormous underreporting is due to the associated emotions such as shame, fear, helplessness, anger or terror.

Adolescent Sexual Abuse


Child sexual abuse is a sexual activity with a child adopted by an adult. In United States, sexual contact with persons under 15 years of age is a serious crime. An adult cannot have sex with a child, and it does not matter whether he or she wants. Even if an adult, it seems that the child is seductive or provocative, it may not at all be about sex. Children do not often have no idea how adults can receive their behavior. The aim is to satisfy the sexual needs of adult sexual. It can be uncle, grandfather, stepfather, but also the older brother or friend. It also happens that women are perpetrators of sexual abuse and account for approximately 1-10% of the perpetrators. Fortunately, more and more loudly begins to talk about sexual abuse. It is not at all rare, it is estimated that up to 15 years of age as the victim falls seven children (Clark et. Al., 2010).

The risk of suffering sexual abuse during childhood and adolescence is independent of race, culture and the socio-economic status. Statistics show a higher prevalence for women than for men. The abused children have a basic lack of trust in the world and in others, and a tendency to perceive the behavior of others as hostile and threatening. Typical reactions of abuse are: difficulties in interpersonal relationships and aggressive behavior towards peers and adults of reference (Maniglio, 2009).

Studies show that the abused male, once you become an adult, do not follow the typical path of a victim, in fact, because of social stereotypes, some individuals can live with pride the early onset of sexual activity. It 'should be noted, however, that these people are more at risk for involvement in criminal acts for mental health (Coohey et. Al., 2010).


When it comes to human sexuality, it is very difficult to arrive at a single definition for the entire society, primarily because it is believed to be related only to the private world. But sexuality, as much as any other type of interaction between two or more people, is governed by laws and cultural mores of society, ensuring social life (Schwartz, 2001). According to researchers, one cannot talk about sexuality without talking about culture, because it is a social and cultural production. The negative effects, therefore, protracted into adulthood ...
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