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Adolescent of all cultural, demographics, society, of all sexes face various issues which are to some extent predicted but vary from individuals to individuals and hence their moral issues may vary in accordance as well. While conducting interviews with a diverse portfolio I became acquainted that there are theories of development related to children highlight onto the stages since birth onwards.


Two important theories are theories of Feud and Etrikson. Sigmund Freud's theories have significant impact on the study of development. Freud recognizes the presence of differing behaviors of humans but emphasizes mainly sexual appetite and pleasure. His theories about unconscious behavioral influenced current theories of emotions, motivation and personality development. Freud divided the personality into three classifications that includes the "id" (instinctive), ego (realistic) and super-ego (moral-ethical). The ego control dangerous impulses received through various defense mechanisms. While Freud focused on the study of the "id" (instinctive) Erikson focuses primarily on the implications of the ego in human development. According to Erikson, human development can only be understood in the context of the society to which one belongs and highlights the relationship between the ego and the social forces that have some influence on people at certain times of life. Erikson divides life into eight stages of psychosocial development. Each stage is characterized by an emotional crisis with two possible solutions, favorable or unfavorable. The resolution of each crisis determines the subsequent development. The first four stages are especially important as their core interest is on adolescent development.

Being moral basically means how an individual leads his/ her in accordance to certain norms that help them in making the decision between what is rightful or not. Since toddler to adolescent age a child social and cognition development becomes more mature, they better comprehend what the moral issues are and what they should believe and value in.

Teenagers are required to be a judge of the issue relating towards morality on a regular basis. Since birth adolescents are faced with such issues due to the vast influence of their culture, the religion as well as their family. Since childhood child face issues due to the peer as well as gender and these issue impact the life of an individual greatly. Freud and Erikson theories relate to the fact how a child goes through these changes. Adolescence at every stage goes through challenges, and he or she feels what I am going through no one else have gone and that's why one is never satisfied with their current stage. Hence it is never easy to say which stay one wants to be in. As I was conducting interviews I realized that at each stage an adolescent faces challenges but it is on the individual how they tackle it keeping in mind the moral standards. Adolescent who do not follow the moral standards are the one who go through ego issues, issues relating to the friendly, status etc and that's where their initial state of questioning and rebellion ...
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