Adult Learning

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Core Principles of Adult Learning

Core Principles of Adult Learning


The study of adult education mainly focuses on the following points that describe the subject:

Extensive explanation of the method, personal qualifications to continue learning after 16.

Coordination of activities of agencies or organisations to achieve precise educational purposes.

More concisely, adult education can be defined as those planned educational activities that enhance an adult's ability to function on a day-to-day basis. This may involve improving an individual's knowledge, skills, and/or attitude. What constitutes an adult will vary due to the individual's social, maturation, cultural, biological, and psychological differences; however, adult education primarily refers to individuals involved in postsecondary learning activities (Boud, 1988, pp: 21-29).


The Revolutionary Changes

In the past 50 years, there has been relative to adult learning as a lifelong struggle to explain the basic theories and concepts of evolution. This evolution did not end, on the contrary, it has been incorporated into an inter-disciplinary approach to understand the very pragmatic adult learners and their environment-related issues and this new theory supports it if you have multiple motives, knowledge, background type, a model of adult learning and experience to become multi-faceted. Secondly Boud captured the school's adult learning orientation in their topology and evolutionary diversity of the conceptual framework. They take advantage of this change on behalf of the behavioural, cognitive, interpersonal, social learning and knowledge perspective of five learning theory (Boud, 1988, pp: 33-37).

Behavioural Theory

The behaviorist's theories concerning learning can be characterized by the work of B. F. Skinner and his concepts of condition-response. That is, if one knows the desired behaviors, or competencies required for a task, then learning can be induced by manipulating the appropriate environmental stimuli. This concept has been foundational not only to adult learning, but also to the field of human resource development and management interventions. It has been associated with setting behavioral objectives, competency based training/education, behavior modification interventions associated with human performance models, and goal attainment through management by objectives. Behaviorists place emphasis on the manipulation of the educational environment through curriculum designs that focus on reinforcing the desired behavior and extinguishing undesirable actions. The learner's inherent cognitive abilities, needs for understanding, and questioning of meaning are not as important as establishing the link between the required action and recognition of the stimulus (Tennant, 2006, pp: 255).

Adult Learning

Philosopher rest the assumption that people have the ability to produce through information processing and memory of knowledge and insight of the idea. Learn the specific object on behalf of hypothetical reasoning from the ability to increase the use of symbols, text, logic and system (abstract thinking). These concepts provide a formal education and training organisation. The cognitive approach emphasises classroom teaching methods available from the adult knowledge of the immediate needs and continue undiminished (Boud, 1988, pp: 40-51).

The humanists reject the idea of learning being solely predetermined by the environment or cognitive ability, and broadened the learning process by incorporating both the affective and cognitive needs as prerequisites for fulfilling the learning potential of ...
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