Aluminum Framing For Construction

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Aluminum framing for construction

The Age of Fame "of aluminum

A widespread metal aluminum has long been known to mankind. History has preserved a lot of evidence about this. For example, the Roman emperor Tiberius, who ruled in 14-27 years? BC was presented as a gift aluminum bowl, which was similar for silver objects, but weighed a lot less of them. No less an ancient "trace" of aluminum left on the tomb of China's commander-Zhu Zhou, who ruled in the II-III century. BC Decorations on it were cast from an alloy in which the lion's share was just this metal. (Ching, 267)

However, aluminum was formally presented much later - in 1825, when the Danish physicist Hans Oersted identified a substance in the experiments with potassium amalgam and alum, was passed through a chlorine. Two years later, the success of Dane repeated the German chemist Friedrich Wohler, a powder of aluminum when dealing with complex compounds geksaftor alyuminata and potassium.

Aluminum for a long time was quoted as "precious" metal. In particular, aluminum ingots were presented at the international jewelry trade shows, were used in the decoration of monuments, for example, in the decoration of the monument to Washington in the American capital. For comparison: 120 years ago, a pound of aluminum cost 12 dollars and a silver bar - $ 15. (James, 17)

Concept of Aluminum

The word comes from aluminum in etymology from the Latin "alum salts alluded to fixing dyes in fabrics. British chemist founder of electrochemistry was who gave the name "aluminum" in this undiscovered metal, which is then replaced by aluminum, and having also discovered and named by potassium. The discoverer of aluminum, a silver tone metal, was the Danish Hans Oersted in 1825. (Kosny, 03)

The pure aluminum is soft and fragile, and very rare to find (the third most abundant element in the earth's crust) must be added iron and silicon in small amounts to harden. It appears in combination with other elements, and up the rocks forming silicates. Shape up the clay hydrated silicates. As aluminum hydrate form bauxite. Its main source is bauxite, which have aluminum hydroxides and ox hydroxides. It is covered by an oxide layer resistant to corrosion. It is the lightest metal after magnesium. (Oide, 947)

It contains many precious stones such as sapphire, ruby or turquoise. Generally it is obtained by electrolysis of alumina. Atomic number 13, atomic weight is 26.98 and its chemical symbol H is a good conductor of heat and electricity. Its applications are in the industry automotive and aeronautics, motor windings and capacitors. It is used in hardware, construction, furniture and metalwork. In electricity it acts as a substitute for copper. It is also used in aluminothermy it gives off heat when burned. (Sherwood, 79)

Aluminum construction

Aluminum is a metal that is not discovered until the nineteenth century. The development of aluminum building systems, since its first applications in architecture in the early twentieth century to the present system in which this material has a role, is analyzed. Aluminum is a metal ...
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