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America go Green

America go Green

Global warming refers to the incremental increase in the temperature of the of the Earth's atmosphere closest to the surface since the inception of heavy industry in the mid 1900's. Many believe the steady escalation of the temperature is directly due to man-made greenhouse gases introduced into the, air preventing some of the sun's rays from escaping the atmosphere.

There are those who are not convinced that direct human activity is the cause of this increase in the temperature, and contend that the actual cause remains unproven(Abbot, 2008). Others completely reject the notion that the Earth's temperature is truly on a permanent rise; citing the fact that scientists only started recording global temperatures in the mid 1800's and thus lack the data to accurately calculate Earth's optimal temperature.

Go Green with Green Living

Whether you turn on the television, radio, computer or even read a magazine, or newspaper you are more than likely hear or read about the need to “Go Green.” In order to fully understand the need to “Go Green,” we only have to look as far back as the energy crisis of the 1960s and 1970s.

It was during the 1960s and early 1970s are that we first became aware of the impact insecticides and pesticides have on our entire environment, and because of the outcry of the American people DDT was banned in the United States. It was also during this time that such environmental groups as Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth were formed.

However, the oil crisis of 1970s is what truly caused the United States government to take a serious look at conserving energy. A National Maximum Speed Limit of 55 mph was imposed in order to reduce consumption of gasoline. The National Energy Act of 1978 was also a response to this crisis.

Individuals and businesses alike were impelled to conserve energy, and everywhere you looked, from billboards, newspapers, television commercials you saw slogans by the Advertising Council such as "Don't Be "Fuelish" and “Last Out, Lights Out." (Broecker, 2006)

During the 1970's many pieces of environmental legislation were also past, including the National Environmental Protection Act also known as NEPA, which created the Environmental Protection Agency and a Council on Environmental Quality. Other pieces of legislation past were the Clean Air Acts of 1970 and 1990; the Water Pollution Control Act, as well as other laws that regulated noise levels, pesticides, toxic waste, and ocean dumping. In addition many other laws were passed protecting endangered species, wilderness, and rivers.

Sadly however, as the economy improved and gas prices stabilized, people did not see a need to conserver energy any more. Because of this new attitude, during the 1980's under Presidents Ronald Reagan's and George H. W. Bush's administrations, many environmental protection acts were allowed to expire. In addition, the National Maximum Speed Limit of 55 mph increased in some areas to over 75 miles per hour on some stretches of highway and interstates across America.

Today as we witness the effects of global ...
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