American Civil War Final

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American Civil War Final

American Civil War Final

1. Discuss and support your views on General Lee's goals and decision to invade the North in 1863 and whether it was a wise strategic decision.


General Robert E. Lee decided to invade the North in hopes of deterring the enemy and possibly lead to more European countries to recognize the Confederacy. When he learned that the Army of the Potomac has a new commander? Gen. George G. Meade? Lee ordered General RS Ewell to move to Cashtown or Gettysburg. However? the commander of the cavalry in advance Meade? General John Buford? recognized the strategic importance of Gettysburg as a center of the road and is willing to maintain this site until reinforcements arrived. After his overwhelming victory over the Union General John Pope's Army of Virginia at the Second Battle of Manassas? Robert E. Lee was enthusiastic to keep the plan. Abraham Lincoln as learning new Major General George Brinton McClellan troops under the command of the Union are opposed to him? General Lee believed that Virginia could quickly maneuver? capturing the Union in the arsenal of Harpers Ferry and a signal gain victory on Northern soil. In this spirit? Lee began to move. On September 8? 1862? General Lee put pen to paper to present its views on the invasion of Maryland? to continue its business model that keeps its president? Jefferson Davis? reported on their actions and ideas. (McPherson? 2001)

General Lee was trying to take the city of Washington (is called). What I mean when Lee was able to defeat the army of the Potomac and the capture of the area north of the capital? which would mean a victory for the Confederates. Also? it is tempting to take the pressure of Virginia. Having an army encamped in their territory takes its toll. This is basically to win the war and losing many men? who claimed the war. (McPherson? 2001)

Lee had the wisdom of the decision and strategic decision? since it invaded the South; it has been at war with the North. The South wants to establish their own country? but the North does not allow both parties to go to war. The best way to end a war if you can not reach an agreement or a treaty of peace is the enemy to take home (in this case the North) If Lee had succeeded in his invasion of the north and the south to win the war.

2. When did Lincoln act outside what would be the bounds of the Constitution during peacetime? and do you think that he acted properly? Support your opinion.


As the civil war started at the beginning of Lincoln's presidency? a group of "Peace Democrats" proposed a peaceful solution to the civil war developing? proposing a truce with the South? and the formation of a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution of the United States to protect the rights of States. The proposal was ignored by trade unionists in the North ...
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