An Analysis Of Art Works

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An Analysis of Art Works

An Analysis of Art Works


Pottery is a technique for the production of ceramics, with the main objects of clay / loam formed, dried, decorated and fired, whereby the ceramic end products are water resistant and hard part. Pottery as a general term is also use the manufacturing process of ceramic products, or products such as vases, jars, pots, bowls or dishes, for example. Depending on the raw materials and manufacturing technology, the ceramics are generally produced according to the classification of ceramic masses assigned to different classes, subclasses, groups and subgroups.

In this paper, two works of art are selected and analyzed.


Clay is plastic properties, which means that when wet it can be shaped easily. When dried becomes firm and when subjected to high temperatures befall chemical reactions, among other changes, cause the clay to become permanently rigid material called ceramic. For these properties the clay is used to make objects of everyday or decorative pottery. The different types of clay, when mixed with different minerals and in various conditions, are used to produce earthenware, stoneware and porcelain. Depending on the mineral content of soil, clay may appear in various colors, from pale gray to dark orange-red. A furnace designed specifically for baking clay oven is called a potter. The pottery is one of the cheapest means of producing everyday objects, and a raw material widely used even today. Bricks, pottery, dishes, artwork, and even coffins or musical instruments, such as the ocarina, were modeled with clay. The clay is also used in many industrial processes such as cement production, paper making, and extraction of substances filtering. The archaeologists use the features magnetic clay of the bases found in fires, stoves, etc, to date the clay elements that have remained in the same orientation, and compare with other historical periods. The art pieces selected for the analysis belong from the Chalcolithic period.

Chalcolithic Period

The name "Chalcolithic" was coined by prehistorians from the Greek roots khalkos (copper) and lithos (stone). Thus, the Chalcolithic is the "period when a tool primarily stone can be supplemented by items worked in copper, "which is typical in archeology, in some cultures the end of the Neolithic in Europe. Sometimes used in a chronological sense, the Chalcolithic designates an improbable “Copper Age ", which formally denies the juxtaposition of contemporary cultures Chalcolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age of neighboring territories, including France. Archaeologists Italians preferred the equivalent under the name "Eneolithic". The main features of Chalcolithic considered after the use of metals for the preparation of their useful, especially copper. And precisely because of the use of copper is called "Chalcolithic".

The oldest metal is copper objects belonging to the last moments of the Neolithic in the third millennium BC The use of copper takes place in the Iberian Peninsula from the second millennium BC to the first millennium BC It corresponds to the pre-Celtic culture Urnfield, megalithic architecture, and so-called culture of thousands and the Beaker culture. Another characteristic of the Chalcolithic is the appearance ...
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