An Appeal To The Department Of Accounting Chairperson

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An appeal to the Department of Accounting Chairperson

An appeal to the Department of Accounting Chairperson

“Low aim is the crime, so we should have high aims in our life”

These words of Emerson truly reflect how a passionate person should live his or her life. Life is not a bed of roses. It presents many challenges to us, but the winner is one who faces these challenges, and proves himself as a remarkable individual. Life has also thrown many challenges to me, and I want to deal with them bravely.

I am writing this to explain my situation. I love my studies at the university: the great professors, excellent students, and fine facilities. My heart is full as a MPA major. I must admit; however, the curriculum is absolutely different from what I'm accustomed to. I received straight A's in the previous institution I attended, but both the quality of education and classes are incomparable to this university. I have tried to assimilate and follow the lectures to the best of my ability. I have thoroughly enjoyed and learned from the lectures because of the instructor's passionate presentations. Upon reflection; however, I suspect that, although I am studying, my past has finally caught up to me.

In fall 2012, time was limited in the term for me as I was already on probation due to my performance on fall 2011. I got the private tutoring from PHD student and academy. However, even with this additional assistance, there were no improvements. I was willing to put in; however, much time, and effort is necessary to stand on my own two feet, (so to say) and do well. I was sincerely devoted to doing my best to every endeavor I undertook. It was obvious to me, though, that I need time. In my first semester, fall 2010, I performed badly in courses. At first, I could not understand a word the instructor said. I did not know the basic things. I did not admit I was short in fundamental. I thought I caught up during two years in community college. I was a kid myself. Instructors always say that “as you studied in the previous class (prerequisite)” during the lecture to “refresh our memory”, but I did not learn that when I took prerequisite courses at the community college. I realized that community college was a joke when my first lecture at the university began. However, I even had a hard time catching up in the community college. Every day was hell, but I managed to pull to A. I was getting my grades on the basis of my level of studying. It was the first time in my life that I enjoyed studying. Also, I thought studying was my way of living or getting more knowledge. I graduated with all A's. Then, I came here.

Day by day, I questioned myself. I did not know the reason because of which they accepted me. I even thought that my life would have been so much better ...
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