An Effective Predictive Maintenance Program Of Machines Components

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An Effective Predictive Maintenance Program of Machines Components

An Effective Predictive Maintenance Program of Machines Components


The problem of jointly scheduling multiple maintenance and the single activity on the single machine in order to minimize total completion time is considered in this work. It is assumed that machine must be stopped for maintenance, which lasts constant within the predefined period. problem is generalized to that with the fixed maintenance because it relaxes start time of maintaining the fixed time point for the predefined period. In both cases you cannot resume renewable and studied. First, three properties of an optimal solution for each of two cases are identified. Here, we show that proposed lower processing time (SPT) algorithm is optimal for case resume. Regarding case cannot be resumed, conditions under which SPT algorithm is optimal also specified. On other hand, shows that starting time of maintenance cannot improve relative error bound algorithm SPT. focus of work is presented later, which is developing the dynamic programming algorithm and the branch and bound algorithm to generate an optimal solution for this case. Experimental results show that these algorithms are effective and complementary in treatment of different instances of problem.

Statement of scope and purpose

In most programming problems with preventive maintenance, maintenance periods is assumed constant. However, in real industrial settings, these periods can be flexible. Therefore, it is necessary to consider scheduling of maintenance problems with flexible. This document focuses on the single machine problem in which job processing and maintenance of machine has to be programmed simultaneously. Objective is to minimize total completion time of jobs for both renewable and cannot be resumed. For resumable case, the SPT algorithm proposed in this paper shows that optimal. Moreover, case cannot be resumed, relative error bound worst SPT algorithm is analyzed and, moreover, the dynamic programming algorithm and the branch and bound algorithm is proposed to solve this problem optimally . Finally, experimental results are provided to show effectiveness and complementarity of algorithms above.


Problems with preventive maintenance schedule have received increasing attention in last decade, importance of applications has been recognized. There are two types of preventive maintenance: Maintenance deterministic and flexible maintenance. This means that maintenance periods are determined before work is scheduled, ie start times of maintenance activities are set in advance. Programming this type of maintenance is often referred to in literature as "programming with availability constraints", "programming with limited machine availability" or "programming to non-availability intervals, because during periods of machine maintenance not available for processing any job. latter means that timing of maintenance periods are determined in conjunction with jobs program, ie start times of maintenance activities are allowed to be flexible and determined in programming process. This problem is known as "flexible scheduling to maintenance," "constraint programming availability performances," integration of preventive maintenance planning and production scheduling, "or" (simultaneously / together) programming works and maintenance activities.

First type of maintenance, deterministic, has been driven by significant number of ...
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