An Investigation Into Female Patients' Perception Of Undergoing Hysterosalpingography

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An Investigation into Female Patients' Perception of Undergoing Hysterosalpingography


Iwould take this opening to thank my study supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this study would not have been possible.


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The aim of this paper is to estimate whether an intracervical block of 1% lidocaine decreased pain perception compared with placebo during the performance of a hysterosalpingogram. Arandomized controlled test was undertook with 120 patients considering pain insight during a hysterosalpingogram. Patients were randomly allotted to one of three groups. Patients obtained either a 1% lidocaine intracervical impede, an intracervical saline injection, or no injection. Visual analog (VAS) and qualitative levels were utilised to assess study participants' agony at six distinct time points throughout the hysterosalpingogram.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction


Apotential, descriptive and experimental clinical study of QS was carried out in a population of patients who came to the Gynecology, Family designing and Delivery Room Services of the Concepcion Palacios Maternity clinic in Caracas, Venezuela, and conveyed their desire to have enduring sterilization. The sample was a assembly of 30 women who fulfilled the following addition criteria: older than 25 years, having satisfied their individual reproductive anticipations and who, after an interpretation of the procedure to be utilised, and its risks and benefits, gave their permission in composing for inclusion in the study. We omitted those with a history of allergy to iodine, comprehensive ablative surgical methods of the cervix, cervical pathology, tubal surgery, former unilateral or bilateral occlusion of the fallopian tubes, fibroids and patients with affiliated health troubles, such as psoriasis and exfoliative dermatitis. (Sokal et al, 2000) To inform the couples about the risks and benefits of the technique, they were invited to view a video explaining the technique. (Sokal et al, 2000) Then the staff discussed the QS procedure with them and answered all questions raised. To qualify for admission, the women were given a gynecological examination. Their health history was entered on a clinical record and they were enrolled in the study. HSG was done between days 7 and 10 of the menstrual cycle before the insertion of quinacrine, to evaluate for tubal patency. (Mol et al, 2002) During the proliferative stage of the menstrual cycle after doing the HSG, 324 mg of quinacrine was introduced into the fundus of the uterus, through the cervix, with a modified IUD inserter; 400 mg of ibuprofen by mouth every 8 hours was prescribed for pain, for 3 days. It was suggested that patients use contraceptive barrier procedures in the first three months after the insertion. Follow-up was carried out to verify how well the patient tolerated the QS, the patency of the fallopian tubes, and the presence of side ...
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