Answer 2 Of The Following Questions Using Essay Formatting

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Answer 2 of the following questions using essay formatting

Ans: Theatrical stages: “Love is the Doctor” and “Midsummer Night's Dream”.

The central character in Love Is the Doctor, Sganarelle, appears with the same name in other Molière comedies, also in the tradition of the commedia dell'arte. Usually Sganarelle tries to beat others, but as often as not he is beaten himself, and therefore he is both the cause and the butt of laughter. His function in Love Is the Doctor is typical: He is a wealthy businessman and a traditional paterfamilias, with the final word in family matters (like Egeus in A Midsummer Night's Dream and Polonius in Hamlet). He closely guards his daughter, Lucinda, from suitors to avoid having to pay a massive dowry to a son-in-law who, as he complains, might be a perfect stranger. (DeMaria, 45-78)

The plan by Lucinda and her suitor Clitander to marry despite Sganarelle's opposition is an example of the traditional intrigue plot, in which the father (or guardian), acting as blocking agent, chooses another man for the young woman, or, as in Love Is the Doctor, tries to prevent marriage entirely. The soubrette in the play, who aids and abets the intrigue, is Lisette. Although in some intrigue plots the blocker is reconciled by the fact that the young man is independently rich, that does not happen in this play, for at the end Sganarelle is frustrated and outraged despite the surrounding merriment. Molière's notable addition to the intrigue plot in Love Is the Doctor is his satiric treatment of doctors. Medical practice in the seventeenth century was based on the widely held theory that a healthy body contained a harmonious balance of the four bodily fluids or "humors"—blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. When one of the humors became excessive or "putrid," the imbalance made the patient sick. Illness, including mental illness, could also be caused by the adust, or burning, of a particular humor during a high fever. (The understanding of bacterial and viral causes of disease did not develop until two centuries after Molière.) When doctors made a diagnosis based on this system, their treatment was to purge the offending humor and its noxious pressures (as the doctors recommend for Lucinda many times in Love Is the Doctor). Depending on the humor, they employed one of four methods of purgation: (1) a lancing or "bleeding" to draw off blood, or "sanguine" (the most common purgation—but the patient, weakened by blood loss, would often die more speedily from the original disease); (2) an emetic to eliminate yellow bile, or "choler," through vomiting; (3) a laxative to purge black bile, or "melancholy"; and (4) various irritating (and sometimes poisonous) powders to eliminate "phlegm" through violent sneezing. (DeMaria, 45-78)

A Midsummer Night's Dream contains some wonderfully lyrical expressions of lighter Shakespearean themes, most notably those of love, dreams, and the stuff of both, the creative imagination itself. Indeed, close scrutiny of the text by twentieth-century critics has led to a significant upward revision in the play's ...
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