Are There Significant Differences In How Civilizations Spread Their Influence?

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Are there significant differences in how civilizations spread their influence?

Thesis Statement

Currently, world civilization is in the stage that has created what may be characterized as an industrial society, superseding the agricultural society that preceded it. Some futurists accept as factual that civilization is undergoing another transformation, and that world society will become an informational society.



The Purpose of this paper was to analyze are there significant differences in how civilizations spread their influence? In the technical sense, the civilization is the convoluted society. It is differentiated from easier societies but is not considered better to them. Everyone lives in the society and the heritage, but not every individual lives in the civilization. In general, civilizations share the next traits:

Intensive farming methods, such as the use of animal power, crop rotation, and irrigation. This enables farmers to make the surplus of nourishment that will not be required for their own subsistence.

A significant piece of the population that does not dedicate most of its time to making food. They can proceed into other occupations and trade for the nourishment they need. This is called "specialization of labor". It is possible because of the nourishment surplus described above.

The gathering of these non-food producers into permanent towns, called towns.

A social hierarchy. This can be the chiefdom, in which the chieftain of one noble family or clan rules the people; or the state society, in which the ruling class is supported by the government or bureaucracy. Political power is concentrated in the cities.

The establishment of convoluted, formal social institutions such as organized belief and education, as opposed to the less formal traditions of other societies.

Development of convoluted forms of financial exchange. This includes the expansion of trade and may lead to the creation of cash and markets.

The accumulation of ...
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