Argumentative Essay Global Warming

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Argumentative Essay Global Warming

We live in an island" and island so big that its recourses are enormous. But what if this island has limited recourses. Do we have another island to escape to? We are trapped in an island called 'Earth' with its natural environment threatened by our own results. Global warming is a major fact. What is global warming? It is simply the warmer air getting trapped within our sky limit and in return warms the whole environment. According to several leading scientists global warming can be compared and contrasted in the following manner. For some it causes a change in the climate and environment but for others it's a total hoax. "Richard Alley discovered something 10 years ago that made him worry the Earth's climate could suddenly shift, and it changed his life. It was a two-mile long ice core, pulled up from the center of Greenland. It contained bubbles of air that reveal what the Earth's atmosphere was like over a period of 100,000 years.

The ice core showed that at one point, in as little as 10 years, the global climate had drastically changed. Soon after that discovery, climate change became a personal crusade for Alley." Richard Alley, Penn State University Glaciologist Another article that was published was from the famous Climatologist John Christy : "It has been to analyze millions of measurements from weather satellites, looking for a global temperature trend. He's found almost no sign of global warming in the satellite data, and is confident that forecasts of warming up to 10 degrees in the next century are wrong." University of Alabama in Huntsville "Amazon Forest Growth Puzzles Scientists : March 10, 2004 *

Could this be happening to our planet earth will the earth itself change in climate drastically? What will happen to the living creatures? Can they survive? The answers are yet to be found. Some are as scary as they can come. Countries and island would get flooded due to melting of glaciers. What causes Global warming? Is it the burning of petroleum that increases this? Or is it due to our existence on this planet? Is it the ingredients of the soup, everything that we do cause it to warm little by little? All of the major science heads need to sit down at one table and discuss these contrasting ideas and come up with an answer that we could live by.

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