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Article Reviews

Increasing the Teacher rate of Behaviour Specific Praise and its Effect on a Child with Aggressive Behavior Problem


The paper studies the gap between the teacher and student perception about school rules and ways to improve the student behavior. This study was tested with 10 middle school students who were having emotional disturbance issues, and the behavior was studied over 36 weeks. Teachers and students behavior were recorded with 5 classroom rules or norms. Data was used to identigy strategies and goals to develop interventions.


If teachers understand strange behavior of students in different situations, than they can better understand students and help students to achieve the goal of learning in an effective manner.


Significant improvement was recorded among the students' behavior. To begin, we consider that, usually, our reactions and behaviors to others are influenced by the perception and representation we have of them, and this also occurs within the educational environment. Similarly, the representations and teachers' expectations on their students can modify their activity in the classroom and their behavior and attitudes in relation to the school (Kudawashe Moffat, 2011). This variation in pupil-teacher influences in a very significant in the teaching-learning process and indirectly affects and influences on behavior, effort and student achievement. Sometimes teachers make judgments of their pupils according to their beliefs, distinguishing aspects in physical appearance, his behavior and his performance in the classroom. The teacher should not have a priori beliefs and ideas about their students based on social status, race or physical appearance because these are characteristics that define a student. The student attaches great importance to the opinion that his teacher has him, and the professor expressed implicitly through tone of voice, behavior, gestures and attitudes that are targeted to the students, although not sought. The student gets it quickly and that it produces consequences that can be positive or negative. In this way, teachers provide a treatment alternative education students based on their expectations that affect their school performance, since they react to different educational treatments, so confirming the expectations of teachers. An example of different educational treatment performed by the teacher in the classroom would be as follows: In some cases, we can find teachers who attributed the difficulties of "good students" to situational factors and difficulties "bad students" to their lack of competence and consistency in their work. This can result in the teacher action in the first case, more effort and motivation to help and in the second case, ignorance because they are considered more "awkward".

Teaching Social Skills to Students with Austism to increase Peer Interactions in an integrated First Grade Classroom Method

This paper studies the classroom incivility, as it has become a major concern in educational institutes. The lack of civility influences the overall behavior and the dynamics of the classroom. The study was based on the survey of Midwestern Public University's faculty. It uses the experience of the faculty of the indiscipline and the behavior of students outside classroom and how it impacts the ...
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