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Personalized Networking

Personalized Networking


Social networking is also considered as the oldest phenomenon because; it has emerged after the existence of the society. Human beings are addicted to live in social environments because, social attributes attract human nature. Today's question is how western societies are managing their social network sites? Social networking has greatly influenced the use of internet in today's competitive world. It is found, that in less than five years, social networking have become popular among ten million internet users.

Organizations do form complex structures and, researchers had argued about the contemporary condition of the network. According to Eric Wright, social class is the relational phenomenon which has the control on the labour power of an individual and, also influence on the other. According to Giddens and Parsons, modern society is the condition of individualism. Technology is advancing day by day, and each day brings new ideas and revolutions with certain innovations. It has been noticed that, complex social networks also existed before but, with the certain development in technology all types of communications have proved itself as the dominant of the organization. When communications connect between institutions and knowledge then, they may be considered as the computer supported social networks. Social networking has greatly influenced the use of internet in today's competitive world. It is found, that in less than five years, social networking have become popular among ten million internet users.

Individuals tend to use these social networking sites, at their work places and leisure time. Social networking sites are also the source of communications and interactions with each other. A question is rising by intellectuals that, how these social networking sites are affecting our daily lives. Individuals are getting closer with each other and, friendships are offered through social networking.

Community is just not the neighborhoods and villages and, ...
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