Artistic Renditions Of Life

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Artistic Renditions of Life

In “The Metamorphosis,” Franz Kafka addresses the issue of authoritarianism by the story of a traveling trade, called Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one morning transformed into an insect, turning it into a sin that leads him to suffer the greatest setbacks by part of their family, work and society. After various events, the main character ends in a tragic way, while his family, closest to him, and take this event as liberation to move forward with your life. The author states, in an extraordinary way, his biography , his submission to his father, giving us to understand the consequences and feelings experienced under such authoritarian regime, where the only error to make is being born into this system . Also, the book in question is a kind of criticism of the government of that time, full of subordination and authoritarianism, where things are already predetermined without explanation or reason, as shown in the story, and the inferiority raised by the being Jewish (Kafka, pp. 54). The presence of the furniture gives a human sense still alive in Gregory, the authority-in this case her sister tries to take away the belief that it is better for him to leave the room without obstacles to free movement. The table opposite his bed is a very important and descriptive analogy Gregory made of Kafka, as its location suggests an important place (top) in their lives, and their use: the writing, is an aspect that they share. Other important aspects that we find in this work we compare with our reality is the supremacy exercised by the father about his family, how brave their children for whom the only authority is found in the mother and the only one who is dedicated to maintenance of the home offices.

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