Asia Cultural History

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Asia Cultural History

Asia Cultural History

Asia has a rich history, having all the colors of pride, accomplishments, struggle and high spirits (Armstrong & Hunkins, 1984; Beck, et al., 2003; Bednarz, et al., 2003). In the Silver age, (3090 to 1200 BC), the crafts of metal emerged, and Hinduism started its origin. Then the Iron Age (500 BC to 600) added great inventions and discoveries on Asia's credit in the times when empires and dynasties were becoming prominent. The Middle Ages (600 to 1500) witnessed the strengthening of military. The Modern Age (1500 to present), many wars were fought in Asia, such as the Korean War, Vietnam War and Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan that highlighted the ideological differences between communist followers and anti-communists. Precisely, Asia has been the land of challenges and diversity.

The Asian population had to face many adversities and challenges. In the search for a better life, many people migrated to several other countries. America was a land of fortune for Asians to try their luck. Many skilled people worked very hard to make a good living for their families and become strength for the U.S. (Armstrong & Hunkins, 1984). In 1850's, migration from Asia to America began as a trend. During the California gold rush, the Chinese were the first and foremost nation to arrive the U.S. later in 1880's The Japanese and the Filipinos started to come to the Pacific Coast and Hawaii (Armstrong & Hunkins, 1984). The population of Asian Americans has multiplied to cross the figure of ten million by the year 2007 (Sue & Sue, 2008). Despite the fact, these people have to face many problems like discrimination and cultural diversity issues, the flow of Asians to America have increased by the passage of time.

When the federal immigration laws tightened, the Asians ...
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