Asian Tiger Countries

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The Asian Tiger Countries: Progress and Development

The Asian Tiger Countries: Progress and Development


The economic development of several countries that have made efforts to reduce poverty and income inequality has allowed its population through the production and productivity in international trade position. This is the case in some Asian countries are among the countries that have a wider distribution of income among the population. The question arises that how these countries manage to gain such a strong position. However, the answer is that these economies have educated workforce, and highly qualified people. Moreover, they have specialized areas where they had a competitive advantage. Reviews to Singapore and Hong Kong who became the world's leading international financial centres, Taiwan and South Korea became leaders in information technology worldwide (Hendrik, & Berg, 2006).

These countries called Asian Tigers or Asian dragons, or the newly industrialized countries (NICs), a term used in reference to the developed economy of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and other far eastern countries have emerged in the context of the Cold War, from 1945 to 1990. This generation of industrialized countries located in Asia noted for maintaining high economic growth and rapid industrialization (Hendrik, & Berg, 2006).

However, the monograph concerned about industrial and economic growth in these countries, within the context of the Third Industrial Revolution the world, with some countries to the front, now lives. The world is globalized, especially in the economy. So when, for example, there is a financial crisis in a developed country, its impact will not wait in some developing countries. Many of these emerging countries in recent years have succeeded in imposing continent Asia, although relatively, its products worldwide. However, subject to the vagaries of global finance (Hendrik, & Berg, 2006).

General Considerations

They got known as "The Tigers of Asia" countries that recently have developed rapidly in such fields as industry, commerce, administration, etc. These countries have not only shown great growth in quality, and quantity of its products domestically, but have reached a level of free markets worldwide. Their products, but accurate low with good quality exported to all continents of the world. These countries are Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea, the principal. In the next known point on certain features of the industrial revolution in these countries, which we call the Third Industrial Revolution and the Age of Knowledge in the world. However, we will refer to innovations in the economics of the countries of Asia (Hendrik, & Berg, 2006).

Economic development requires the elimination of hierarchies in companies or units of production. Thus, the modern organization cannot be an organization of head and' subordinate must be organized as a team of associates. The explanation for this tendency to egalitarianism within the companies of developed countries got based on faithful workers should have a high rating, plus they also have to make decisions, because that gets imposed by the technology, but in all more developed countries, expressions of this trend is not ...
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