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Autism, the condition is usually diagnosed in children under the age of three, in which the individual demonstrates a significant impairment in communication skills, social interaction, and a limited repertoire of behavior, interests and activities (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Historically, autism, also called early infantile autism, childhood autism or Kanner's autism.

Currently, autism is defined by three separate but interdependent levels: as a neurological disorder related to brain development and mental disorder of cognitive, emotional and behavioral disorders, or a relationship in which there is a failure of normal socialization (Kush and Peterman, 1995). Autism is part of a group of diseases in which children show different variants with characteristics similar to autism, or developing complications. This group of disorders defined as pervasive developmental disorders (PDD). PDD includes autism, Rett disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD), Asperger disorder and PDD not otherwise specified (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).

This paper addresses the following questions:

How reversible is autism?

How it affects a sibling's relationship with a brother or sister with autism in the family?

Discussion and Analysis

Autism is a disability that impede the brain to absorb information and how to address them and lead to problems for the child in how to connect to those around him and disorders in the acquisition of skills, education, behavioral, social, and is one of the most common diseases that affect the evolutionary child.

Autism appears during the first three years of the child's age and lasts a lifetime. And if he appeared in one of the twins appear in too (Koegel, 1983).

Scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University (United States) have proposed a radically new theory of autism, suggesting that the brains of people with this disease is structurally normal, although unregulated, which means that symptoms of This condition may be reversible (Sadock, 2003).

How can we reverse Autism?

It has been found that children with autism have problems with detoxification system due to low production of Glutathione in your system. This is caused by the intrusion of mercury (Thimerosal) from the vaccines. Glutathione addition to being the most important intracellular antioxidant in the body, is responsible for the following functions:

Regulates metabolic functions.

Maintaining epithelial inetegridad in preventing intestinal walls are permeable.

Regulates the immune system functions.

Allows the body to detoxify heavy metals, preservatives and other chemicals on its own.

Allows Vitamin C and Vitamin E to remain active in the system.

And many other features.

The only way to reverse autism is to treat the cause and not just the symptoms.


Thimerosal and MMR vaccine in particular (it does not contain mercury). According to a few studies, in which colonoscopy was made to 300 children with autism and bowel escontraron the membranes were covered with measles virus (measles) used for the vaccine. Another study done by a neuro surgeon found the same virus in the cerebrospinal fluid of 100 children with autism(Volkmar, 1994).

Autism and Siblings

Children who grow up with a brother or sister with autism are faced with a particular relational situation that they can not remain ...
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