Autism And Brain

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Autism and its effects on Brain


In this study we try to explore the concept of Autism in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on Autism and its relation with brain. The research also analyzes many aspects of Autism and tries to gauge its effect on brain. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for Autism and tries to describe the overall effect of Autism on brain.

Table of Contents



Problem statement5




Autism and its effects on Brain


Autism is a violation of development that can, if not handled properly, the destruction of human life. Many people have been institutionalized for the disease, but this number decreases as the number of cases. This is because these children are "Ultimate Stranger"; they do not understand and do not have the ability to understand abstract concepts like emotions. Autistic child is unmanaged, these parts of the outbreak, they do not interact socially well and not in the eye, they cannot hold conversations they repeat traffic and inflexible procedures and rituals. These children often sit in a corner of the inability to interact with anyone or anything and not to participate in normal activities. The reason for this social problem is unknown (Adolphs, 1998).

There are many theories about the causes of autism, but none has been proven by many doctors and scientists believe that this can be several different reasons that lead to an outcome, autism. According to one theory is that environmental toxins to break the immune system in the womb and upset the normal development of the brain (Abell, 2000). Another theory that most parents believe that MMR vaccinations cause violation of language development and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The most widely accepted, of course, is that genes are responsible for all this (Bachevalier, 1994). Genetic ...
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